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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. Just sliding by to let you know she uses the Decleor Neroli Serum and La Praire Caviar creme (?) for her face. Decleor is great, but I have never used La Praire before. She use shampoos from Shu Uemura, if we can believe her words, and she praise the shimmer and the volume shampoo in interviews. Now you can all go broke, but look as fab as Lana does  :smokes2:


    Never used any facial serums, what do they do exactly? Don't they make the skin all greasy and/or shiny?

    La Prairie Caviar is expensive AF! Like, several-hundreds-of-euros expensive! Never tried any of their products but a few people I know absolutely swear by them, so I'd def like to try something one day...

  2. 1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey - Around the time Video Games went viral, so... mid 2011 or something?

    2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music -  Blue Jeans. Video Games was nice and all, but Blue Jeans really clicked.

    3: Favorite Lana hairstyle - I think wavy (not curly) dark brown hair really suits her when she's made up accordingly (meaning, pale skin & red lipstick instead of that horrid tan skin + nude or brown lipstick combo she sometimes sports).

    4: Favorite live performance - Burning Desire @ the F Type launch in Paris will always hold a special place in my heart. Also Blue Jeans @ Le Grand Journal. Idk, I guess French performances do it for me for some reason lel.

    5: Favorite lyric - If I get a little prettier, can I be your baby? You tell me, "Life isn't that hard."

    6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? - :cuteface:

    7: Favorite facial feature - Her nose; if only more nosejobs were like hers, it's subtle and gorgeous.

    8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana? - I don't think there's anything I don't like; I may criticize her occasionally and am definitely not an unquestioningly adoring fan, but I can't think of something I actively dislike about her. edit: actually, just thought of something - when she comes off as pretentious and/or holier-than-thou in interviews.

    9: Have you ever met Lana? - No. Can't say I ever tried to either.

    10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana? - Take a guess. also lol @ after

    11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? - Definitely just a really big fan.

    12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? - Sure, as long as she stayed away from muh brainz.

  3. @@SitarHero Strong Hand, yes. It's one of the 2 bonus tracks of the deluxe edition (the other one's a remix, bleh), which has already leaked as well. Broken Bones, I don't know. (Do you need a link for Strong Hand?)

  4. I kind off disagree sis. You know if Bluerred Lines had remained buried in Robert's Thicke fanclub I would agree with you. It's not the flavour of the month is the effort to lift Robert Thicke made by Pharrel that made that video go viral. Also the fact that is played in US every minute doesn't help much. In other words: I didn't go loocking for it just to make a critic the Bluerred thing find me in my perfect little bubble not the other way around. There for I am criticizing it. The fact that are worst videos around doesn't make Bluerred Lines better IMO.


    Obviously the credit card video on your spoiler (I have no idea what video is that) is disgusting as well but that doesn't make me like BL more.


    I agree with you when you say that it's not because there's worse videos out there than we shouldn't care about this one, but I get the distinct feeling that people are way more bothered by its popularity than by the issue in itself (female objectification). It's like, instead of discussing the actual problem and trying to find ways to solve it / change things, everyone's busy hating on this specific video and Robin Thicke for months now. It's just a distraction, and yet another way to make headlines and more $$$. That's my problem with all the controversy, people are easily distracted by details and end up forgetting the bigger picture. A serious issue has turned into a parody -- it's now basically an internet fight between people criticizing the video (some with valid and genuine reasons, others not so much) & all the bandwagoners jumping on board because it's the 'cool' and 'trendy' thing to do, against others who will defend it because it's the 'edgy' and 'different' thing to do, while the actual issue has long become secondary. Guess who wins with all this.


    (btw the guy in the video is Nelly, can't remember the name of the song rn)

  5. wow have u seen a hip hop video?


    I have to agree, having seen this




    a bunch of girls dancing half-naked in some video just seems a bit ridiculous in comparison, as far as female objectification goes.


    Blurred Lines just happened to be the flavour of the month for internet SJWs, that's all. All this wave of outrage is little more than a trend, like cultural appropriation was a few months ago. With this I'm not saying many of the criticisms aren't valid, but mindless bandwagoning will never not annoy me.

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