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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. As an institution, the VMAs are pointless. No one cares who wins, and despite the fact that they ostensibly honour music videos, the awards are not given to directors and are instead to the artists. The event is pure spectacle, a vestigial half-spleen of a telecast meant to remind us of a bygone era when MTV actually aired music music videos. The VMAs are an extended Super Bowl halftime show


    The moment was meant to be controversial, but cut through the foam-finger delirium and we were left with a performance that wasn’t that great, or even that shocking. It was not Miley’s twerking that got the true rise from America, it was the juxtaposition of her youth with Thicke’s decrepitude (he’s 36, which in pop music terms means he is basically dead), subtle pot belly, and wardrobe, which could charitably be described as Beetlejuice-esque. Blurred lines, sure, but only for their lack of edge.


    Despite her contributions to the track, both symbolic and sonic, Lambert was not given an opportunity to speak when accepting the award. Instead, Macklemore patted himself on the back, calling “Same Love” the most important song he’d ever written and explaining that gay rights were human rights. (...) However, Lambert not getting an opportunity to speak despite being onstage illustrates what is inherently frustrating about Macklemore’s existence: he seems to strive to be a voice for those who did not ask him to be their voice. He is the ultimate fulfilment of the White Knight archetype, riding in on his noble steed (as played by Ryan Lewis) to save a day that was doing fine on its own.


    Fucking THANK YOU.



  2. During a YouTube binge that involved insomnia & a seriously megalomaniac project I randomly came across this, and I swear it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen. :flutter:




    Anyway, I never listened to any of her music before (except the MG&OFM collab, of course) so I figured it was more than time to give it a try & finally downloaded Soviet Kitsch.

  3. i kinda want her not to win to see what happens  :smile2:


    I don't think she'd make a scene or anything, but probably a twitter rant of some kind & she'd def be disappointed af.

  4. @@Quentin Nah, never read the books. I'm not really into fantasy literature, or even fantasy video games... But I'm playing this one because it was so highly praised & some people said it was similar to Vampire Bloodlines (my fave game EVAH :worship:) in some aspects...

  5. @@SitarHero Oh shit, there goes my rep implying I have one :$ :facepalm: :ohno:


    Um, yes. What can I say, I sometimes get sucked deep into the Julian YouTube wormhole. :defeated:

    Like, 2 days ago I noticed he mentions a whole bunch of music during interviews & started writing it all down. Then slsk was my friend, and that was it.


    PS - Oh cool, tell me what you think of it after you listen to it!

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