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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. Finally sharing :judgingu2:


    I was ready to call The Moldy Peaches the band that was all the rage and maybe even assign Steven Mertens as a semi-famous (read: released a few albums) druggie but they've been on hiatus since 2004. Any side bands he'd be traveling with? Did he ever have blue hair? Drug problems? A best friend with which to sleep with?


    I think they reformed briefly around 2008 or so, and did enjoy a certain resurgence in popularity when they did the 'Juno' soundtrack... I don't think they toured at the time, though.


    Completely possible, I believe both Adam & Kimya had drug issues & one of their band mates (Aaron Wilkinson) died of an OD in 2003.


    Adam Green? Steven apparently still plays in his backing band... (If it really was Adam Green, I'd puke. :hdu:)

  2. Love that poster, especially the coloured version! :flutter:


    I think you're overreacting with the farewell thing tbh. I don't think it means anything other than 'goodbye' to Paradise/BTD since it will be the last video & probably some kind of conceptual conclusion to that era; maybe it will gives us more clues for Lanalysis, who knows.


    Maybe she'll have a little break after the South American concerts, but I doubt it will be a long one tbh... Record labels usually put a lot of pressure on artists when it comes to follow-up albums (and here I'm disregarding AKA & Sirens, obvs), and I'm sure they'd like to ride on her recent rise in popularity so I doubt they'll let her disappear for a long time and be 'forgotten'.

  3. "I only put you down cause I want you so much"                      wat


    do ppl do this? 


    :ohmy:  :mj3:  :mj3:  :mj3: 


    i guess it can be.. subconscious? i think i had aspergers until i was like 20


    Guilty. :icant: :runs:


    Usually when it's ~~too much to deal with for some reason. I swear it's not on purpose, I'm sorry.

  4. "Like Dan [Daniel Heath, who co-wrote “Blue Jeans”], who’s not into pop music but rather, a composer for scores and studied under Hans Zimmer."
    I'm thinking Dan Heath co-wrote Bel Air and this is interviewer error.


    Apparently it really was Blue Jeans.


    The idea of writing a song and releasing it only if it's perfect for the record seems a bit, well ... anal.


    This is obviously going into personal opinion territory, but I always thought that was the case with most artists (musicians or not) tbh; you know, the age old cliché of the artist who doesn't let others see their work until it's 100% finished and they're completely satisfied with it?

  5. I don't think she does in this one. She's just recalling her past experience and how it's effected her career, which is a fair comment. Not everything Lana says about America is bitter; it's just the truth. They (press) weren't nice to her, it's facts..


    I had to go around the world for two years just to have an audience in Chicago

    Well, my reaction is that it’s pretty surreal considering I didn’t have a great welcoming into the American public eye.

    I was kind of leading a double life, cause I’d come home to America and things were very quiet

    It just reinforces the fact that… not that nothing really matters, but that other people’s opinions don’t really matter because it can change on a dime. And if people are so ready to change, maybe they don’t have the strongest character. I’m not as interested in flip-floppers.


    If that's not bitterness, well...

    Opinions, though.


    Like I don’t listen to that much new music, but I actually really love Father John Misty


    :flutter: :defeated: :sadcore2:



    She sounds sad and clearly still kinda bitter at America's initial 'rejection'... Get over it, girl. :(

    And, well, having your recent & unfinished work leaked like that must truly suck... I really like what she said about the low-key, stripped back sound though; and omfg a Lou Reed collab would be nothing short of amazing!

  7. So, I'm a fan that's just starting out. I know all the singles, but the non-single tracks I'm not familiar with (and when I get Born To Die - Paradise Edition I will go on to the May Jailer/Lizzy Grant stuff).


    Just download Born To Die & Paradise and start with that, I guess? I don't know, just listen to the whole thing and see what you think of it, then move on to the other albums & unreleased songs, I'd say.

  8. they only had dinner once in april 2012, axl rose husband is much older than that


    I know, I meant Bel Air...


    If that happened in April, Paradise was released in November and in an interview she gave in June she said she was working on it & had already written 5 songs... maybe it could fit?




    'Lead me to war with your brilliant direction' - another reference, maybe?


    this - 'Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate trying to tell me to wait but I can’t wait to see you' - also suggests someone with a big house or mansion, maybe with security at the door or something?


    smh @ me giving this much thought to my least fave Lana song :facepalm:

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