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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. Hole

    Yes yes yes! I love Courtney, idegaf. And she surely doesn't give any fucks at all, which is precisely why I love her. :usrs:


    I have to admit I'm not super familiar with all their music though, only ever listened to Celebrity Skin (album). Malibu is also my fave song, from those I've heard at least!


    And then, of course, there's the song she wrote for my man here: :teehee:




    Oh, and I just marathoned all 9 parts of '24 Hours Of Love' like, 2 days ago!




    SO. WORTH. WATCHING. The show is such a mess, it's hilarious and random and a complete cringefest all at the same time.

  2. how do you know they are extensions? I usually can't tell from pics only when it's really obvious. Is there something that makes you notice?

    OMG am I getting visually impared or something? I can't really spot that much difference in her hair LOL.

    In the pic @@lola posted it's super obvious, you can see where her real hair ends (a little below the collarbone) & the extensions are particularly noticeable there, they're stringy and limp (unlike the rest of her hair), and seem almost a shade darker than her actual hair.

  3. the comments on that page literally make me ill about humanity 


    "Dolly Parton looks natural compared to here. What a ridiculous face she has with so much botox and fillers. I am scared of thinking how she will look in 10 years. I guess her daddy will be buying her another face and another fake career"

    "Lol, people paying attention to the cigarette when she has that plastic face. If she had more fillers in her lips and more botox in her cheeks, her face would explode. Nothing natural or real about her or her "talent"

    "Smoking ruins any person's appearance, even Lana Del Ray's."

    "Her 15 mins is long up, Daddy will need to buy her more time

    "Ease off botox love, your face is like a mask!"

    "Arrogant woman!" 


    somehow i feel lana will *never* be fully accepted no matter what she does.. so i really need her to win an oscar like now so people can shut the fuck up




    "One does not simply read the comments in the Daily Fail."



    Seriously, The Daily Mail and most of their readers suck big time. :smh:


  4. @ Not in the sense 'does drugs, is dangerous' but more like 'society doesn't approve'; you know, the type of guy your parents wouldn't approve of & would make your friends say 'omg you could do sooo much better than him'. I think she likes that sort of attention lol. I also don't find it the least bit surprising that her actions don't match her songs in this case & that she went for the bland, safe version of what she sings about - buuuut that's due to my own scepticism & personal opinion on Lana's personality & past, so...


    I also don't know how ripped jeans + unbuttoned shirt automatically equal 'not showering' & 'smelling bad' but then again I'm pretty sure my tolerance to this type of men is a bit higher than most people's here. :runs:

  5. there's no fucking way he's in his twenties, my grandpa looks more youthful than him tbh 


    Ikr, dude looks old af. Yesterday someone (@@Beemo, I think) asked about his age in a status and I found out some random site that said he was 34 - which I totally believed. Later @@Quentin & @ told me that no, he was actually younger than her and 25-ish. The funny part is that I'd also found some news article from 2012 that said his age was 23, but totally disregarded it while saying 'pffffft yeah riiiiiiiigh' out loud. :$


    Either him and Lana are truly soulmates & both have a penchant for lying about their age, or this guy is one of the oldest 25 year olds I've ever seen...

  6. I really like his first two albums. I never got into The Magic Position (except for Augustine, which is lovely) and only listened to the newer albums once or twice. One of my favorite songs is actually the other Nico cover, Ari's Song. It's gorgeous.


    Same and yeah, me neither, which is probably why I never listened to The Bachelor and Lupercalia... I'll give them a try eventually.

  7. Nothing is wrong with her sneakers. But this guy......he is more than ugly. I can't find the right words for that. Even if he is not that well known musician. Go out like a normal guy, not like this. Believe me, it is important. Everybody needs to go out normally, when they are going out to have lunch in a restaurant, or when you go shopping etc. This look is never ok, maybe when you go out to grab something from the nearest shop (but still not for me).


    Sorry if this sounds harsh but the best part about dating guys like this is annoying / shocking people like you. :eek: :runs:

  8. well i read that he always smelled good, that he loved bathing, he just hated washing his hair bc he'd get sores on his scalp (i do too, it's ouch). he even used some expensive stuff from aveda for his hair bc he loved the smell. and he hated showering (rly fuckin fussy for a grunge icon lmao)


    idk, I've read many stories about his supposed body odour but at this point who knows what's real & what isn't tbh. But that would be really funny if true, especially the Aveda thing for some reason :lel:

  9. Really? :pft: I've watched my Unplugged DVD so many times... always thought he looked good that day. :flutter: He lived in a totally different era, mention his name while talking about Barrie's no style is a sacrilege tbh.


    I agree that he looked good, but that's just because he was very good-looking imo. :whatever:

    Because otherwise, his hair was just so damn greasy & that cardigan looked like it had gone through its very own World War...




    And for whatever's worth:



    (about Kurt) "I met the guy twice, and I can say with all certainty it appeared as if he cut his own hair. He certianly didn't wash it. It was ragged and dirty. He smelled as if he was allergic to soap and water. Even his clothes were really dirty. He smelled like the worst body odor you can imagine."




    Who knows if that's true or not, of course, but I have absolutely no trouble believing it. That's grunge for ya. :lel:


    And it's only sacrilege because Kurt is Kurt, while Barrie is someone lots of people here dislike, but imo their style is really not that different.

  10. I watched the entire thing and it had no skins feel to it what so ever, they tried too hard tbh :facepalm:


    The American version, you mean?


    That's basically my opinion. And it's a shame because imo the idea had potential, but instead of using the general concept of Skins as inspiration & creating something that felt, idk, real and was about actual American teenagers, they simply tried really hard to copy it & of course it was a complete failure. I mean, original Skins is very specific to British society, so lots of things (attitudes, dialogues, even some of the characters) either won't make any sense or will seem incredibly fake in any other country / culture. That's what made the pilot a total cringefest to me.

  11. @@Philomene I wouldn't go as far as that, I don't think she (or rather, her family) ever had that kind of money and/or influence... But no, I don't really believe *a lot* of her supposed 'bad girl' behaviour. Tbh I think she was always more of a spectator who was fascinated with that whole world & lifestyle.

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