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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. i am part of the sadcore club accept me





    "Put Ur Back N 2 It" is such an amazing & heartbreaking album (especially when you know the story behind it), EVERYONE should listen to it at least once.

    My favourite song is "Hood" - You would never call me baby / If you knew me truly / Oh but I waited so long for your love   :crying2:

  2. No she doesn't. Who are you to speak for HER body? How do you know if she's comfortable how she is right now? Not everyone needs to have six packs. I find comments like these very rude, you wouldn't say this kinda shit to your friends, let alone someone you don't even know.


    Agree with the first part.


    The second part is beside the point. We wouldn't speculate about our friends' past relationships, harshly criticize the things they said in interviews or say they look fucking terrible in this or that outfit, to name a few, and we still do all those things here. She's not our friend, and that's not a valid argument to not have or express a negative opinion on something concerning her appearance on a fan discussion board.

  3. I tried hard not to be mean I really did. But I had to say it's really hard. The marshmellow body style (off white, rounded and soft) runs in the family LOL. I know I am a terrible human being. Yes I am. But that last picture is too much of a Sharpei style to not be comented. But the good thing is Lana doesn't care since she thinks she is the best thing God send  to earth to admire and be the only true musician on this blue planet. Oh and Berry the other only real musician is the second best thing


    The flaming you got for saying this is really sad, to be quite honest. I hadn't even commented on this thread before because I had the exact same opinion as you and I just knew a wank fest would ensue if I actually said it. Unlike me, you weren't a coward - kudos for that.


    When people start talking about someone else's body, they can't expect everyone to have the same opinion and only say complimentary things about it. If her current body type is a lot of people's ideal, it isn't mine, and that should be fine as well. It's not like anyone called her fat or otherwise insulted her. It's also not like we're talking about extreme thinness or promoting unhealthy ideals. It's just a preference - as in everything else in life, taste is subjective.


    I know it's a touchy subject, but people should still be allowed to talk about it in different ways other than utter praise or hypocrisy. And I won't even get into the "real women" argument and the fact that all this "touchiness" usually only goes one way.




    Really excited about this new video, I predict something (once again) epic!

    Oh, and Lana as a stripper / go go dancer --->  :bodyisready:

  4. i don't get the whole "dark humor" thing tbh. i highly doubt half of lana's lyrics are just meant sarcastically. she's into calling her older boyfriends daddy and she likes the book lolita and references it. big deal.


    I think the "dark humour" thing is re: the retweet, since it's so fucking idiotic; Lana being and liking all those things doesn't make her pro-anything, she's not a walking manifesto.

  5. Hey, she changed her twitter bio. In the past it's been Without You and Body Electric lyrics, prior to either of these songs premiering but now it's just "American Poet. Angel Headed Hipster." (I'm sure y'all have some thoughts on that.)


    Also, hipster in the original sense of the word, not *ahem* the current one. Which should be pretty obvious since she's quoting Ginsberg and has frequently said she identifies with Beat Generation poets.


    The hipster adopted the lifestyle of the jazz musician, including some or all of the following: dress, slang, use of cannabis and other drugs, relaxed attitude, sarcastic humor, self-imposed poverty and relaxed sexual codes.


    Remind of you anyone? :smokes:

  6. Even though I'm not a fan of her music AT ALL, I have nothing against Adele personally - on the contrary, I actually kinda like her; her Oscar speech was wonderful and she seems, I don't know, genuine and down-to-earth.


    I do think this tattoo is really unfortunate, though. I mean, it's sort of okay for fans to do that (even if I would never - I'd prefer getting something personal and unique but still related to the artist and what they mean to me rather than blatantly copying them) but for another celebrity to do that... it's just really tacky.


    Of course I have no idea if she really copied it from Lana or not, but I do agree with those who say it's an awful lot of coincidence for it to be, well, just a coincidence.

  7. I think with some people might think the Lolita thing is a bit weird.


    Must admit before I knew Lana and her Lolita tendancies, I didn't like anything related to it at all because it seemed really creepy. I still get a little creeped about it tbh and have my opinions about it but to do that and write an article about it is just...attention seeking.


    But I knew when I first listened to Lolita and her references in her songs that some people would have problems with it - as usual..



    If one takes the whole Lolita thing at face value, I agree that it can be creepy.


    But context matters. Lana is an adult woman who clearly has always liked older men (I gots a taste for men who are older / It's always been so it's no surprise) and probably enjoys a certain amount of age play, who's singing about her own experiences (real or imagined). To say that equals promoting paedophilia is just absolutely idiotic to me.


    I also don't understand what's the point of these "opinion" pieces such as the article in question. They seem to assume that song lyrics' purpose in life is to promote certain lifestyles, ideals & philosophies, and that only those deemed acceptable and politically correct should be written and sung about. So... are they suggesting censorship, or...?

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