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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. I'm shocked - SHOCKED - to see that there's no Strokes topic here on the forum. I mean, there's basically a topic about every other band and artist BUT The Strokes. What gives?!





    So, as LanaBoards (only?) resident Strokes stan I felt the obligation to open one.







    Any other fans here, casual or otherwise?


    Favourite album / song(s)? Favourite solo project? And I feel like such a teenage fangirl asking this but hey, why the hell not favourite band member?



    Anyway, here's one of my favourite songs - unreleased & absolutely beautiful:




    And here's what's *probably* my all-time favourite performance:





  2. I've been hesitant to post this for a while because if it is true then it destroys a lot of theories, but I spoke to someone who dates Jimmy's son and she told me that Jimmy and Lana never dated. I asked her to tell me that story and this is what she said:


    'Lana always was like obsessed with jimmy. She would always go to his shows and try to get him interested in her but jimmy would always turn her down because he wasn't interested. Since he was kinda off and on with his girlfriend and what not. And so her obsession just drove her to make a song about him. And it's really funny cause jimmy barely knows her and he found the song amusing actually. It's like this whole big joke. Especially since his son (my ex/friend whatever) has the same name. Just an overall amusing topic especially when I would see people thinking they actually dated. I finally broke though cause I felt bad with no one knowin the truth so there ya have it haha'


    I don't know if anyone will believe me, but that's what she said to me. I spoke to her on twitter btw. I don't see any reason why she'd make this up, and it seems very possible. Yayo could still be about Jimmy, but maybe it's more a fantasy lana had... trust me I was really disappointed to read this haha 


    I love this thread and for fun's sake I always try to take her songs at face value while reading all the interpretations, but personally I think a lot (if not most) of what she writes about didn't actually happen. Yeah, I know she says all her songs are 100% auto-biographical and all that, but Lana's often the epitome of evasiveness and contradiction, so...


    I think her songs are a mix of facts (stuff that happened to her and people she knows) + her imagination (things she wishes had happened, an exaggeration / dramatization of what actually happened, inspiration taken from films, songs, books, the lives of famous people...), so I'd have no trouble believing something like this.


    But anyway, back to 'Lanalysis' mindset. :smokes:

  3. One of my favorite movies :crying2: . Um bonde chamado desejoooooooo aiiiiiiii. can it be? :raven:  Possible. :assad: I mean the "kindness of strangers"quote is very famouis. I never thought about that :oprah2:  and I saw that movie at least 4 times. Gentileza de desconhecidos its a common say here maybe that's why I didn't did the connection. You're a little genius aren't you? :whitney:

    Kindness of Strangers



    I loved someone once and the person I loved I lost




    It's one of my favourites as well. Vivien Leigh and Marlon Brando are absolutely fantastic in it!


    The quote was obviously what caught my attention, but it was all the other similarities that really made me wonder... And then Carmen and that French interlude... But I dunno, maybe I'm just imagining things.


    And OMG I'm definitely not, I just have way too much time on my hands. :$

  4. I actually like Bounce a lot, it is a pretty fun song :)


    Oh don't get me wrong, me too! It's a fun and incredibly catchy song that makes me want to dance every time I listen to it! I just think it's less unique and more deliberately commercial than most of her other songs; it sounds like something anyone else could have done (for some reason it really reminds me of Ke$ha) and doesn't really have the same hip-hop vibe of her other songs...

  5. First and foremost --- MY PRECIOUS BABY : :worship:








    A perfect mix of rock and bossa nova and a quintessential summer album, if you ask me:








    Dancey sexy dirty synthpop / darkwave:



    Not that it matters but don't let the cover scare you btw, this girl/boy duo actually looks like this. :hawt:





    Psychedelic dream pop courtesy of Tame Impala's Kevin Parker's French girlfriend (he also collaborated in the album, which is pretty damn obvious when you listen to it):






  6. I don't if this has been mentioned / discussed elsewhere, and I do know it's kinda speculative, but bear with me...


    Blanche Dubois. You know, of 'A Streetcar Named Desire'? I've recently re-watched the film and it got me thinking.


    From Wikipedia - "(...) the former Southern belle has a lurid past (a marriage to a young homosexual who committed suicide when she discovered his secret; notorious sexual promiscuity; ongoing alcoholism, etc.) as well as genuine spiritual idealism and refinement."


    Also her attraction to violent and "wrong" men / abusive relationships, the tragic death of her first love (albeit in very different circumstances), her insecurity and absolute need to be adored by everyone (especially men), and last but not least Blanche's iconic quote "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers", which Lana could be referencing in the Ride monologue as well as in Kinda Outta Luck and Carmen.


    Carmen in particular sounds like it could have been at least partly inspired by her or a Blanche-like character --- Darling, darling, doesn't have a problem / Lying to herself cause her liquor's top shelf / It's alarming honestly how charming she can be / Fooling everyone, telling how she's having fun (...) Baby's all dressed up, with nowhere to go / That's the little story of the girl you know / Relying on the kindness of strangers / Tying cherry knots, smiling, doing party favours / Put your red dress on, put your lipstick on --- not to mention the little French interlude.


    At the very least she's maybe a character Lana somewhat relates to / feels inspired by? I don't know, maybe it's too much of a stretch, but what do you guys think?

  7. These stories make me wonder if it's worth it to get front row... was it?


    YES, definitely.


    In my case, it was nowhere near the worst concert I've ever been to in terms of heat / being compressed / very nearly passing out and seriously considering asking the security guys to take me out of there. Not even close.

  8. Am I the only one who thinks that the Illuminati isn't real....



    & my grandfather was a free mason.


    Freemasonry these days is just yet another useless seniors club anyway.


    When it comes to exclusive memberships I'd rather have a what.CD account. :smokes:

  9. @@Monicker - Will do. :) Also, and re: behind the scenes stuff, did you read / watch all those VICE articles / videos about Spring Breakers? I think there was at least a scrapbook with some photos, an interview with Korine and another one with the ATL twins where they also talk about the film...

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