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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. Really liked Hot Fuss, and Sam's Town was pretty good as well. Didn't like anything else after that.


    My top 3 Killers songs - Jenny was a friend of mine, All these things that I've done & This river is wild. Honourable mention for Read my mind because it's the one song that never fails to make happy.


    Oh, and they're GREAT live.

  2. Next one is Austra at a festival in Portugal and then Roger Waters at Wembley in September.


    However, I'm going to miss Devendra Banhart's gig in my hometown this August quite simply because I'm stupid. :smh: Worst of all: Fab Moretti is touring with him and this would be a great chance to meet him. But now I won't. Because I'm SOOO STUPID! :facepalm:

  3. Fave video game of all time: Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines.





    Queen Jeanette <3




    It's a masterpiece, no lie. The storyline, the characters, the setting (LA decadence, hell yeah), the perfect soundtrack. Just :worship:.

    Already played it a few times choosing different clans and the best / most interesting one is Malkavian, for sure.



    Finally installed Hotline Miami, will try it out this weekend.

  4. what? black beauty has been leaked? what? what? what? :wat:


    Giiiirl. Black Beauty leaked, AS WELL AS Hollywood, JFK, Starry Eyed, Angels Forever & Midnite Dancer Girlfriend.

  5. She won't win anything, they'll give it some more popular boring shit like Thicke or McNickel or whatever he is called, the VMA's usually are a popularity contest.


    30 Seconds To Mars should win for cinematography though, i hate to say it because i think Ride is beautiful, but their video was really brilliantly shot.


    NA SHOULD win for art deco though, but we know it won't.


    Yup, sadly that's pretty much what I think will happen as well.


    I know this is blasphemy, but I actually think the best video in the cinematography category is Sacrilege by the Yeah Yeah Yeah's. :ohno:


    And dumb question time, but what exactly do they 'evaluate' in the art direction category? I mean, what distinguishes it from the cinematography one, for instance?

  6. because it is tacky as fuck.


    Are we talking about the same person? She of "you're so fresh to death and sick as c-c-cancer" & "my pussy tastes like pepsi-cola" fame? :usrs:


    I don't see how those are any different from her regular lyrics, but a-okay.

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