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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. really like Cassie. I'm a fan! I need more of her discography but I love her Supermodel mixtape (especially I Never Knew) and the Velvet Night mixtape is really chill. My favourite song at the moment is I'm A Lover, it's perfect  :flutter:


    :flutter: :flutter: :flutter:


    Have you listened to her new (well, released this year) mixtape? It's freeeeee and it's fabulous. :makeup:

  2. tame-impala.png




    2 flawless albums, plus they're fucking fabulous live!

    And Kevin Parker, besides being a little genius, is an incredibly sweet & down-to-earth guy.


    Probably my fave song. It is KILLER live.



    Others worth mentioning.



  3. Does somebody think they could list the unreleased that we have with the years recorded? Please and thank you!  :D


    That would be really helpful as my Sky folder is a complete mess right now. :defeated:


    Other than the 2 EPs, I have another folder called 'Unreleased, Demos, Lives & Alternatives' (which I downloaded as is a few months ago & has 57 files, I believe) but I'm missing pretty much all of the more recent stuff. Problem is, at this point I don't even know what I'm missing. :defeated:

  4. I don't think the leaks are intentional but I do believe they're not that actively fought against - because of the publicity / promotion angle? I don't know, maybe. Or maybe simply because they're ultimately not that important to them; I really don't know.


    I mean, this is a professional artist who, during her relatively brief career (in the public eye, I mean), has had around what, 150? 200 leaks? It's not normal and doesn't make any sense to me. If she and her team - and most especially her label, who invested money on her and surely has every interest in getting it back with profit - were that concerned about it, they could have done a lot more to prevent more recent songs from leaking imo - not allowing so many people to have access to / keep the songs, take legal action in order to discourage further leaks, etc. Fool me once, shame on me; fool me twice...


    How else do we explain that pretty much every other artist of her calibre manages to control this type of thing to a certain extent? How is she always the only apparently defenceless victim in all these leaking sprees?


    I can't find any other explanation. Either that or she's surrounded by a bunch of utter incompetents.

    Or, yeah, she's leaking them herself, grabbing the popcorn and laughing herself silly reading all the ensuing tumblr & twitter meltdowns. :troll:


    EDIT: FYI, this is by no means an apologist take on the leaks. Since this is all speculative, my default position is - I assume they're unwanted & can potentially be harmful to her, so imo it's ethically wrong and irresponsible to leak all this recent stuff.

  5. Kinda random but I accidentally came across this and just thought it's a really gorgeous photo. :flutter:




    (if you click 'view image' it gets even bigger)



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