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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. Well, I find it weird that freaking Gods and Monsters wasn't mentioned in every comment yet.... :hooker: (seriously wtf, or am I delusional and I only imagined that 95% of the fanbase is in love with those lyrics)


    I love the song, but the lyrics are so clichéd that I cringe a little just thinking about them tbh.

  2. I feel like it depends a little on your gender. If you're a guy i don't think it really matters. To look good on a racing jacket if you're female and don't wanna look like some druggie, the rest of you definitely has to look presentable.


    Yeah, totally agree. It's the only way to make it work.


    I think I wouldn't like to see a guy wearing this though; it doesn't have the same 'unexpected' factor that it has on a girl & it would probably look too casual and even a little bit homely (since it isn't as easy for a guy to glam up the rest of his look).

  3. Off To The Races --- Glass room, perfume, cognac, lilac fumes, says it feels like heaven to him.


    On Our Way --- I love so many things about this song, put I'll have to pick the way she sings How you get so hot? It is VERY hot.


    Catch and Release --- I really fucking love this song, especially -Yes, I've seen page six lately, ah / I told you both them broads was crazy / Hackin' in your phone and shit & You lured me in with all your gold / Catch and release and you're so cold. Love what's going on with her voice in those 2 moments.

    And this live performance:
    Fave moment is from 2:13 onwards.
    I bet that, like, half those views are mine. I even ripped it from YT because I wanted to have in my iPod and be able to watch it / listen to it whenever. :awk:

  4. @@Rafael Ooh thanks! I'd completely forgotten about 'My Momma'. :facepalm:


    This part is really interesting as well - My momma, she would fall right on top of you / If she'd ever saw you, she'd be smitten, too / I'll never take you home, I want you all for my own / Don't let my momma hear your pretty song. It's like she saw her mother as competition when it came to men; homegirl must have (had?) an Electra complex the size of a small planet.

  5. But this proves that Lana has always thought she was a special snowflake poet


    She's so legit. She is punk rock.


    I wanna know if she had a meltdown recording "Hit & Run" or if she transitioned to pop with a smile on her unique and artistic face :eartha:


    Love her & I think I kinda know what she's trying to say, but I don't think she really knows what punk rock means, to perfectly honest. :eek:

  6. You touched in a subject that I always feel like is not looked up enought or at least as deep as it should: Lana being sending away to boarding school. Not just her years there but how the action of sending her away reflected in her personality and somewhat changed her.   (I feel so creepy writng this but whatever)


    Something else I'm really curious about is her relationship with her mother. I mean, is she even alive? I honestly have no idea. She never talks about her, I've never seen her in any family photos (I think?)... What's up with that? Can one of the Lana experts enlighten me a little bit about this? I think that could help understand so much about Lana, especially the daddy issues + preference for older / protective / dominant men... (I think I've read one too many psychology books. :ohno:)

  7. Haven't listened to it yet but I really wish it didn't leak. It's going to get really old really fast that people are so bothered about it.


    But honestly LOL if you seriously think Gaga is SOOOO much better than Lana and that Lana "has a long way to go" before she can shade her then why even be on this forum like seriously. I like Gaga & her music but the ridiculous amount of praise her fans give her disgusts me. People act like she's god. Also, Lana can make whatever kind of songs she wants, she doesn't have to like who you stan for and this song wasn't even supposed to be heard anyway so shut upppp oh my god.


    Honestly Lana > Gaga any day. The only thing Gaga has on her is sales.


    The most ridiculous part about the whole thing is that people already knew she disliked Gaga and they already knew there was an old diss song. Why they're suddenly acting like this leak is some kind of revelation is beyond me. (And here I'm talking about Gaga fans who also like Lana and are freaking out over this, of course, because who gives a shit about the others anyway.)

  8. crying @ lana possibly being a stage five clinger/stalker


    celebrities, they're just like us  :oprah:


    Some of the music in your chosen field of expertise suggests love has more to do with obsession than companionship. For example 'The End Of The World' by Skeeter Davis has a creepy What Ever Happened To Baby Jane quality about it. And then there's your line from 'Video Games': 'It's you, it's you, it's all for you / Everything I do'. Does this idea resonate with you?


    LDR: I really love that [Davis] song, actually. And yeah, that idea resonates with me. Growing up I was always prone to obsession, partly because of the way I am, but partly because after feeling so lonely for such a long time, when I found someone or something that I liked, I felt helplessly drawn to it. I suppose that accounts for some of the creepiness in my music.


    Like a fatal attraction?


    LDR: Yeah. After I was sent away to school when I was 15, I had to start life on my own. So I began looking for that 'someone' to hang on to. And if it so happened that I found him, then there have been occasions in the past where I've been overtaken by my feelings. But with some of the bad things that come with love, there's also a lot of good... For example that connection... which I struggle to have with most people. So although there's a dark side to love, there's also something really hopeful.

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