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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. I moved to a different country a couple of years ago so most of my books are back home. I only have a select few here, I'll try to post a pic tomorrow. It's a mix of some faves I brought with me + new ones I bought here, and it's mostly fiction, some work-related ones, a couple on architecture & painting, and artist bios (I have an embarrassing & borderline creepy amount of books on Pink Floyd & Syd Barrett :ohno:).

  2. They're all so tacky... and this one isn't even the worst one but it really made me cringe.




    Like, wtf?! Idgi. :facepalm:


    I've often considered getting a music related tattoo (never about Lana though :$) & even had a pretty precise idea once, but I'm kind of a commitment-phobe when it comes to most things permanent so every time I seriously considered having it done I always hesitated A LOT -- which is in itself a pretty good sign that I shouldn't get a tattoo, I guess -- and never actually got one.

    The ironic part is, I'm pretty damn sure I wouldn't regret the tattoo's actual content in the future but I'm also pretty sure I'd grow tired of how it looked eventually. Long story short, I guess tattoos are not for me. :(

  3. i don't do seats at gigs, never ever. sure it gets people mad, but i want to see lana. i have to get nearer the front anyway because as i've said before, i'm tiny. and the venues in the uk, when you sit it's so awkward and you can't see a damn thing. people always push at gigs anyway, and i get why. 


    When I absolutely want to watch a concert up front, I get there early. How early depends on how important the band / artist are to me (twice in my life I waited for 8+ hours because it really meant A LOT to me to watch the show as close as possible to the stage). It's irritating as all hell when people arrive much later and try to push their way to the front / take your place (sometimes just as the concert is about to begin) - and I don't think being annoyed at that is an exclusively American thing, I think it's pretty much universal. To me it's basic concert etiquette, tbh.


    Yes, I can be a real bitch sometimes. :crossed:

  4. Wow 270 for a regular ticket. That's crazy. That is like up front floor tickets in the us. Lolla was 270 for three days.


    I would pay in the low hundreds for a Minnesota vip package since I live in the area.


    The original price was around 150 - 180 francs. Those tickets sold out in a matter of hours though, imo because the festival organization underestimated how many fans she has here and put her in a secondary small & intimate venue ('Jazz Café') rather than in one of main ones. So the second (and very limited) batch of tickets was even more expensive. Lots of people paid even more for black market tickets (around 500 CHF) they weren't even sure were legit. It was a mess.


    It was worth it because the concert was really intimate & special, much better than the one in a big arena in Geneva this year.

  5. The Lolita story is very dark. I don't think that if you truly understood the essence of the book you can play that much with its theme. 


    What I gather from this is - you think Lolita's story & moral conclusion are far too dark and disturbing for someone to mention the book lightly & 'play with it' unless they didn't get it. I personally think you'd be surprised, but ~opinions.


    And OMG the French stereotype thing was just a joke; it exists & I made fun of it because ~obviously. Don't kill me, people. :deadbanana:

  6. Lana didn't understand at all Lolita by Nabokov. To me, it's a story about the power of words and how you have to dig yourself and look beyond what the narrator tells you not being all "omg luv story".


    That's a pretty bold statement, since (as far as I'm aware) she never discussed her views on Lolita, the book. We all know she has quite a few daddy issues, loves power & age play in relationships & is fascinated with the whole lolita aesthetic, so she probably just cherry picked the elements that fit those themes the best. That doesn't necessarily mean her understanding of the book doesn't go any deeper than that though.


    The second time she went to the Grand Journal, after saying "blablabla love Paris France I feel home here blablabla" she was asked if she knows some words in French ... she couldn't even find a single fucking one. Rude.


    LMAO! So some stereotypes really do apply after all?! I mean, only the French would feel offended because a foreigner doesn't speak their language! :P :troll:

  7. New band I recently discovered & have been obsessing about lately.







    I don't even. :hdu:






    "Formed in 2009 by guitarist and vocalist John Pelant, bassist Micky Alfano and multi-instrumentalist Mark Ritsema, Night Moves is a distinctly original concoction. Their honey-dipped sound seethes with a kind of down-home tenderness — and like the best glittering music — the arrangements are colossal in shape. Night Moves’ powerful debut Colored Emotions is this Minneapolis group’s first album."


    Their music is a mix of synth + psych pop; they remind me a little bit of MGMT.


    2 songs from their first album 'Colored Emotions':


    This song is gorgeous and the vid is just perfect - visually stunning & sooo sexy. I love it!





    Aaand they've been opening for Father John Misty - whom I adore. :defeated: They also played at Lolla yesterday.

  8. Are tits supposed to do this?






    Her boobs don't seem floppy and weird in her nude pics but wtf they look deflated is that normal


    Her boyfriend creeps me out tbh


    They can do that if they're big enough (as in, from a B cup upwards) & not fake. Tits are mostly fat, so...


    That seems like a, uh... odd thing to do in a random photo though. :awk:

  9. Would've been funny if they at least have the right info. Saying the song is from Lana's album and that BTD is all accoustic guitar and her "singing like this" is just kind off nasty. I doubt Howard doesnt know EXACTLY who Lana is and didnt heard her album. A radio guy like Howard certainly had read about the backlash and also SNL. Doing it on porpuse is just a sad cry for audience.


    Anyway I own a thank you to @ since I was about to eat a huge piece of chocolate cake but Lanas mustache just made me loose my apetite.


    I'm pretty sure that was yet another silly attempt at humour tbh - although saying 'So Legit' is a new track / from some album is just plain inexcusable ignorance. And of course they know; playing down her popularity & relevance is just yet another way of taking a jab at Lana. That's Howard Stern for you.


    Howard's OK in my book (if you're not easily offended & can take disproportionate amounts of really crude humour - which I can) but I never liked Robin for some reason.

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