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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. I agree with you! Although I think BA is still better than a big chunk of the recent leaks.

    By the overproduced songs do you mean...Born To Die? :troll:


    I meant Paradise, and I think BA is kinda the epitome of it. But yeah, BTD was also pretty overproduced... Though I think they took the 'epic melodrama' sound to whole new heights in Paradise.


    Don't get me wrong, I loved Paradise (with the exception of BA) and BTD, but the violins / orchestral background gets really old after a while... Especially in slower, less upbeat songs, it just bores me to death.


    Just go back to tha basics, Lana. :hooker:

  2. Well, just because it probably is a fan favourite, it doesn't mean that is one of my faves. For me personally it's not as bad as BE, but it isn't very interesting. 

    Bel Air is a great song, much better than the other two, but I am more interested to see where she is heading next.


    If further proof was still needed that taste really is subjective: I love G&M, adore BE and think BA is Lana's most mediocre song along with the latest batch of leaks (all in the same style). I *wish* she'd go back to her trashier, somewhat more risqué sound and dropped this whole 'violins and overproduction' era, to be perfectly honest.

  3. She did more than beg us, she literally put all her unreleased tracks in 3 beautiful EPs and gave it to us


    Are you shitting me?! SHE is the one who created those iconic mixtapes?!



  4. I've heard a few of the songs on there but I never got round to downloading it so thanks for the link!


    You're welcome!



    I guess I know all too well what @@maru meant when she mentioned begging people to listen to Cassie's music. :defeated:

  5. Born to Die - 16

    Off to the Races - 37
    Blue Jeans - 23

    Video Games - 14
    Diet Mountain Dew - 20
    National Anthem - 18
    Dark Paradise - 17
    Radio - 14
    Carmen - 16
    Million Dollar Man - 1
    Summertime Sadness - 16
    This Is What Makes Us Girls - 16
    Without You - 20
    Lolita - 22
    Ride - 15
    American - 8
    Cola - 18
    Body Electric - 18
    Gods and Monsters - 19
    Yayo - 17

    Burning Desire - 15


    I'll give you the honour, @@ZoeDelRey. :P

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