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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. On the night of the concert I put on my black lace-up boots with high heels. Underneath them were ripped red fishnets. Then I put on a black leather minidress with all this corset stuff on the back and front. I put on matching fishnet on my arms. I straightened my hair and made it look all spiky. I felt a little depressed then, so I slit one of my wrists.


    No, I did not skip anything. She was seriously talking about her hair and then immediately afterwards of slitting her wrists 'cause she was a little depressed.


    I will die laughing today.

  2. @@Beauty King You convinced me, I'm doing it. Will report back later.



    I don't read fan fiction, by the way. I've only ever done so once - I've spent one entire night (literally from dusk till dawn) compulsively reading The Libertines fan fiction; those 2 were definitely asking for it though, so the line between fiction and reality is kinda blurred. I was simultaneously amused, horrified at how bad most of it was, and kind of embarrassed at myself for doing it. Still kinda am. :awk:

  3. Ohhh 


    I would love to visit Athens or Greece in generally one day


    such a nice country




    okay okay 


    this side is ugly (and it's how we see it in the capital of the EU)


    The capital of the EU is far too preoccupied with its own internal power struggles and privilege to know or even really care about how bad things fucking are in Southern / South-western Europe, or to think about its own responsibilities in the matter.

  4. Also, about that veranda line...


    At first I thought Lana was saying something about the veranda looking "ocean gold," but I have no idea what that would even mean. Which is why I'm almost positive she mentions Ocean Grove twice in the song.


    "The veranda looks Ocean Grove,

    Neon palms sway..."


    Palm trees in New Jersey? I mean, I'm not American so I could be wrong, but it's not the type of thing I associate with the Northeastern coast...


    "The veranda looks ocean gold" could very well be something like this...




    ...which would make the "neon palms sway" line a bit more logical - view from the veranda, ocean sunset, neon lights being turned on at dusk, palm trees...


    Besides, that "the Jersey Shore was long ago" line kinda hints at the fact that they're no longer there?

    (edit: reading your "lost in drugs" theory, that's indeed a possible interpretation / explanation for being physically there but at the same time not really there... however, meth is not really a sadness or introspection inducing drug...)


    Who knows, though.

  5. I second Gnecco & Carney. Preferably both at the same time. :oh: :hawt:

    Those onstage dynamics sure would be interesting to watch...


    Seriously though, let's see:

    • David Lynch - because why the hell not and I can see them creating pretty bizarre / twisted melodies & lyrics; oh, and the music video would quite simply slay.
    • Iggy Azalea - I'd love a duet in some Off To The Races-like track and also they're both so fucking hot I want to see them get dirty onstage.
    • Nicolas Jaar - because it's such an improbable combination, the results could be really interesting & beautiful.

  6. It's more than just a broken heart story tbh.


    The album is pretty much dedicated to her ex-boyfriend/presumed fiancé whom she had a long-term relationship with, Jimmy Gnecco.


    He was a rock musician that left her alone to pursue his own music career (since he managed to get signed), which is what Blue Jeans pretty much describes. "Then they took you away, stole you outta my life, you just need to remember..."


    Jimmy Gnecco was also a troubled man since the woman he was very committed to before lana (and also had a child with) ended her own life during the beginning of his career (apparently drunk driving or something along those lines), making him go through a stage where he refused to make music and just blamed himself for what happened.


    Based on the tracks on the album, it looks like Jimmy took out his anger and depression about the whole situation towards Lana. Lana was deeply in love with him, but he neglected her because he still wasn't over his own wife's death.


    Then, based on tracks like Dark Paradise, it looks like Lana feels like his wife's soul is haunting her through him (metaphorically, you know?) and Lana feels like she wishes she was dead instead of his ex-wife just so she could see jimmy live happily again and not dead. "Your soul is haunting me and telling me that everything is fine, but I wish I was dead (dead like you)" Yayo, Without You, and Summertime Sadness also fall along this theme.


    The Born To Die video also seems to emulate a storyline where Lana gets killed in a car crash, possibly trying to represent lana putting herself in his ex-wife's footsteps. Jimmy also happens to look exactly like the model from BTD/BJ.


    Here's his photo (from his facebook page):



    Now since Jimmy has completey neglected her from his life and lives on his own, Lana decided to start her own music career just to show him that she understands him and wants to be like/with him. In tracks like 'Radio', you could clearly see that is her intentions for her music career. "now my life is sweet like cinnamon, like a ****ing dream i'm living in, baby love me 'cause i'm playing on the radio."


    Now IMHO, the whole Lolita/Bad Ass Girl persona is manufactured just so she could be more secure with herself and have him fall in love with her again more. Go back to listening to Lizzy Grant and she was a very insecure girl, maybe why Jimmy also didn't like her.


    Now I'm too lazy to describe the rest of the tracks, but i'm sure you get the point. It's deep and filled with substance. It has an interesting backstory, too. Her older material also falls around this theme too, and one of the newly leaked songs "She's Not Me" kinda shades his dead ex... "When you think you over me, and your bad baby's dead and gone." I'm assuming his dead-ex was very badass, which is why she's depicting herself as that through her Lana Del Rey persona. Also video games hints at that, "I heard that you like the bad girls, honey. Is that true?"


    So yeah. I explain this story to alot of people.


    Someone's interpretation of BTD (mentioned in that OURS discussion board, where someone posted its original link). It's... interesting.

  7. Especially since his son (my ex/friend whatever) has the same name.


    I think she's about 18-20 from the looks of her photo


    Well, that much at least adds up.



    From an OURS discussion board, written back in 08:


    "I am pretty sure his son's name is Jimmy too, no?

    Some chick randomly messaged me on myspace, some 16 year old girl who goes to school with his son, she said."


    "Jimmy's son is in fact named Jimmy. By the way, his son is 15 and his daughter, Zoe (pronounced Zoey), is 10 or 11."



    There's also an interesting topic there called "...that Lana Del Rey song"; currently reading it.

  8. I find the whole overrated / underrated argument probably the most fucking pointless thing to talk about when discussing music. It's completely subjective and basically reflects personal taste & opinion, and it's mostly a dishonest way of saying "I don't like this band or artist and/or don't think they're as good as most people make them out to be, but if I generalise my opinion and talk of said band or artist in terms of being globally overrated for this or that reason, inattentive people will find it harder to contradict me".



    That being said, I don't like Lennon as a person and I don't much care for him as a musician, even if he's unarguably talented and influential. I don't like his solo stuff (I find Imagine fucking insufferable - if someone wanted to effectively torture me, they should use that song) and from The Beatles I only like Sgt. Pepper's and Revolver, and a few other songs - not that I hate the rest, it just never interested me all that much.

  9. fuck no i seriously hope it's not true ahhh kinda wished i hadn't read it but thank you for posting it

    i didn't know jimmy had kids, are you 100000% sure this person is legit?

    ah sorry i'm just in denial right now

    but then again i've never seen pictures of jimmy with lana...


    According to Wikipedia, he has 2. Pictures of him with his daughter are easy to find, but I still haven't seen any of his son.

  10. third worldwide single and second american single is "change your life" with t.i.


    the new classic is supposed to be released this summer, i think?


    Late-ish September, apparently.

  11. I don't know how you couldn't have given "Trying Your Luck" as a sampler, though! That's one of my favorites.




    'Is This It' was the most difficult one to choose from, for me... Every single song is so good it's not even funny. I basically excluded Last Nite and Someday because everyone already knows those and went for a mix of fan favourites (Hard To Explain is usually considered to be the best song on the album) and my own favourites (hesitated a lot between Barely Legal, Soma and The Modern Age).

  12. @@Madrigal - Sent. :bop:


    10 track compilation:


    Barely Legal & Hard To Explain - from 'Is This It' (2001)
    Reptilia & Under Control - from 'Room On Fire' (2003)
    You Only Live Once & Red Light - from 'First Impressions Of Earth' (2006)
    Machu Picchu & Life Is Simple In The Moonlight - from 'Angles' (2011)
    Welcome To Japan & Chances - from 'Comedown Machine' (2013)



    (If anyone else happens to be interested in this, just PM me.)

  13. @@Madrigal


    I think Julian & Regi's voices compliment one another surprisingly well.


    I totally agree, I love Modern Girls & Old Fashioned Men! It's a perfect song and that's mostly because of the voice combo imo. They had such chemistry onstage and apparently offstage as well.


    The Strokes' lyrics are very different, though, right? Less esoteric & arty, more down-to-earth?


    I don't know a whole lot about the Yeah Yeah Yeah's lyrics, but The Strokes' definitely aren't esoteric / arty. Is This It and Room On Fire, the first 2 albums, are basically about relationships, sex, drugs / alcohol, boredom & life in the city.


    I tried to get into one of their albums a long time ago, but just couldn't. :eek: Would you mind giving me about a ten song compilation, to try to like their music again?


    I don't know which album you listened to but you know, their music has changed *a lot* over the years... Their first 2 albums were post-punk revival, the 3rd one was already pretty different and more alternative rock with lots of experimentation, and their last 2 are basically a mix of rock + synthpop + new wave. So, I'll pick 2 songs from each and I'll make you that 10 song compilation; hopefully you'll like at least some of them!  :smile:

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