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Everything posted by elllipsis

  1. elllipsis


    @@King of Coney Island - It definitely could be. The 2 words are pronounced very similarly and "drawn" makes a hell of a lot more sense than "Tron", that's for sure.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrl9c15msZw I. Would. Die. If she covered this. Also: Guns N' Roses - Paradise City The Velvet Underground & Nico - Femme Fatale Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Into My Arms
  3. elllipsis


    Agree with those who say it's Tron (whatever the hell that means!). She definitely does not say John.
  4. A very happy birthday to our sweet Lana! Will be listening to her music all day.
  5. @@Moniker - It's definitely an overly dramatic and rather dumb thing to say, I'll agree with you there. Either that or she's meeting all the wrong people.
  6. Austra - Lose It SO in love with this band right now.
  7. Wow, I'm surprised! I actually thought she measured no less than 1.72 m or so (which is about 5'8'', I think).
  8. Simply loving music and appreciating someone's "carefully crafted full albums" are different things. I was merely referring to intensely loving what(ever) you're listening to, regardless of the choice process or how much you know about it. What she said about "never having met bla bla bla" is misguided and frankly a bit dumb, but I don't find it any more pretentious than measuring one's love for music in terms of number of full albums they've listened to or the obscurity of the artists they like. For instance, I love wine; do I love it any less than a wine taster, even if I know much less about it?
  9. Sarcasm aside, I actually don't think the two things are mutually exclusive. I think we're confusing musical elitism with actual passion for music, to be honest. Sure, I'm a full album type of person who thinks that listening to The Dark Side Of The Moon in any way other than in its entirety and in the right order should be punishable by imprisonment, but who am I to say that my passion and appreciation for music is bigger than that of someone who only listens to singles, or deletes the tracks they don't like, or listens to Pink Floyd albums on shuffle? She's been making music for a living for years now; I think it's safe to assume she loves and appreciates it, even if it is in her own particular and unorthodox way.
  10. Different people, different concepts of intimacy, I guess, but I'd much sooner answer the brand of tampon question or some other equally silly and ultimately harmless "invasive" question than talk about my political affiliation or any other type of ideology with some journo - especially considering our increasingly PC-obsessed / easily offended society. Even more so if I were famous; my motto would definitely be "not here for the drama".
  11. I actually liked this interview. I think people are seriously overreacting when it comes to the feminism quote. She's basically saying it's not her goal to provide social commentary or promote this or that female role via her songs - and quite rightly so. Nowadays, people seem to want to turn everything into a deliberate message or "guide to live your life by"; in my opinion, that's idiotic and not necessarily an artist's intention. She says she sings about her experience - real or imagined, that's irrelevant - and what appeals to her. If people want to interpret that and turn it into a generalizing think piece, that's their problem. People seem eager to turn her into a role model when she clearly has no interest in doing so - she refuses to discuss all the "hot topics" at length and shows prudence and restraint in her responses, yet people are still getting mad at her for what she didn't say and overanalyzing the little she did say. Re: America. Well, I'm European, so my views on America and Obama are a bit different from those of most Americans, I'd imagine. I won't get into that since talking politics in discussion boards = fucking disaster. Suffice it to say that I'm actually quite happy she's not one of those "fuck yeah USA!!!" types. I love many things about America and I dislike others (which I think is pretty normal - the same thing applies to my own country!), but one thing that does not go over well with me is extreme patriotism / nationalism; I find it disturbing and dangerous. She actually seems quite moderate in her views and opinions, which is something I can respect. Other than that, she plays her usual game and says whatever fits her current persona / mood the best. Sometimes she's more Lana Del Rey, sometimes she's more Elizabeth Grant. I kinda like that.
  12. She specifically mentions "butterfly doors" in the song (and here I'm assuming she actually means "scissor doors", since both names are often used interchangeably) so that would probably limit it to these 6 models. I know that the Gallardo and the Miura, for instance, have standard door design (of course then there's always the car customization aficionados...).
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