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Posts posted by Fingertips

  1. I'm not pressed at all, just expressing my opinion. Nothing is confirmed, and yet, fans are hating and calling her out (NOT being concerned). And nothing is "switched up" at this point, because NOTHING was EVER Confirmed. Yes, she said it's RHCP inspired record, but having one song that's trap or whatever won't ruin anything. Besides the collab could be for his record or just a stand-alone single.


    Her fans need to sit down for a while, drink some water, have sleep, eat healthy, listen to VB and MAC and let the woman do what she wants! It's her record, if she feels like having a techno or trap songs, she'll do it. But can people focus on positive stuff and discuss about that, rather than focusing on not confirmed stuff and hating it? Is it THAT hard?


    Besides, nothing new here. Lana is known for changing her mind, so why is everybody surprised and pressed? Chill.


    Jean is woke, as always  :teehee:

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