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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. American Whore

    Henry, Come On

    can't wait for this bop
  2. i don't need covers unless there's 0% chance we get a cover album later, which should include Stand By Your Man because Lana's version is so fucking good and sounds like a classic Lana track when she sings it live
  3. country can be acoustic or have low production. i hope it's mostly sultry, classic county like patsy or tammy. i don't want a big, overproduced country pop sounding yeehaw banjo tambourine album. those always sound cheesy and i trust lana won't be doing that here. if anything, production should share similar styles with her cover of take me home country roads and probably the released version of say yes to heaven. there's a reason that song released as a single right after ocean blvd dropped. it might not be on an album, but i think it's meant to bridge ocean blvd to lasso. ~~~ on another note, i hope the title ends up being longer than just "lasso" for fun. imagine the serve that would be if it's called "twirling a lasso on the back of a stallion" or "lasso on my hip" or "got me in your lasso" or something lol also, i'm calling that. lyrics to the title track will say "caught me in your lasso" or got.
  4. i just need a lead single. henry come on
  5. just tells how bored we are. even for april fools shit, we're bored
  6. can this thread be considered a scat attack bc the amount of shit
  7. petition for @111 to change his username to sleepy joe bc this is exhausting at this point
  8. this sounds like a bad tostb outtake girl what are you posting
  9. nobody's upset lol we're bored and telling the leakers to quit boring us to death bc we're already dead
  10. or an "alternate" version of a song we've had for 12 years if it's even real at this point LMAO embarrassing to say the least
  11. i'm a bored lanaboards member save me from this boring ass leak drought
  12. is this supposed to be an april fools joke or bc girl this is dumb
  13. It's definitely twangy! I also think the released version of Say Yes To Heaven sounds somewhat country to me. Idk why. I think it's the twang in the background
  14. what is a coquette? a coke head? no
  15. I have a feeling Lana's album will be compared to Beyoncé's album and that's gonna annoy the fuck out of me once it's out. Just bc they're both doing country
  16. Was listening today again, just throughout my day and man, what an album to release at this stage in your career. She did bops, she gave us internal monologue, she gave us surfy hip hop, she served us interludes and laughs, she gave us american fucking WHORE this album is probably my second favorite, it fits right between UV and HM for me. There's always gonna be a special place for UV for me and HM too, because they're just such special albums, but man, the way i didn't think i'd like this album from the minute it leaked till the time i got all of the vinyl pressings, candy necklace's video, the merch, man. this was a good era to experience and i'm really sorry for the n00bie b00bies who'll discover lana in the next 10 years and not know what all we went through when we heard this for the first time. we're lucky to have lana at this stage in our lives (i'm in my mid to late 20s), we're lucky to have lana in this stage of her career, we're lucky that this was the album lana wanted us to hear and know, especially after she got so much hate before NFR and then again, after NFR. some people in the industry know what they're doing, lana is one of those people. other people just do it because they don't know what else to do or they have no other talents or skills. that couldn't be lana, especially after she's been around for so long and she's somehow managed to do it yet again, knocking it out of the park sometimes i feel like this album isn't one for me to know, like it's meant just for Lana herself, not for me. not for the fans, not for anyone else, but solely as therapeutic for a person who has gone through so much, but i listen anyways because it's just so fucking good for me. "it's because she's in a world preserved, only a few have found the door" this line hits so hard and hurts so much and idk why, it's just... so fucking good. i could dissect this album in so many ways, with so many words, but there's not enough words to say - lana truly released an album of this caliber in this stage of her career and i'm so happy to be able to turn it on during the day, even if there's parts that make me uncomfortable. there's so much honesty, reality, it's just so fucking good and i appreciate lana's ability to reach into her story, her truth and tell the world what she wants them to know, even if it makes her AND us uncomfortable. sometimes there's something about discomfort-ability that's vital. this is one of those times and she knew what she was doing her.
  17. how did the ocean blvd pre-release thread get to 3k pages and here we are at sub 200 for lasso i-
  18. not the lara croft cosplayer next to her with a gun anyway lana looks great as always, she seems to have really hit the gym lately
  19. this has been a problem amongst twitter and facebook and youtube and insta for YEARS at this point. all of which also sell our data and leak out privacy for a few cents. let's not pretend this is new
  20. I know a lot of people will disagree with parts of this, probably, so read at your own risk.
  21. not the vehicle this time being a horse but i guess i'm here for it if it happens that way
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