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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. her team knows about us i mean shit, they're still sending Elle info so i'm 99% sure she's here but we just don't know. i wish someone who talks to her on her livestreams would fucking ask her
  2. I think my wish would be that when Lana makes her inevitable return to social media, she'll make an account here to answer all our questions and then while she's on here she can set up a soundcloud and leak her own unrelease shit every day or two
  3. 1. Text Book 17 2. Blue Banisters 15 3. Arcadia 13 5. Black Bathing Suit 25 6. If You Lie Down With Me 21 7. Beautiful 7 (+1) 8. Violets for Roses 13 9. Dealer 21 10. Thunder 17 11. Wildflower Wildfire 18 12. Nectar of the Gods 15 13. Living Legend 20 14. Cherry Blossom 8 15. Sweet Carolina 14 (-1)
  4. that's very true. is there a way we can find stats for apple music?
  5. the fact that the album's most played tracks is changing so much on apple music. it started off being the singles, then quickly changed to Dealer and Black Bathing Suit, now it's Thunder, Dealer, IYLDWM, and Textbook. what is happening?!? lmao i guess everyone is listening to random tracks on the album now
  6. https://lanadelrey.fandom.com/wiki/Driving_in_Cars_with_Boys_(song)
  7. the transition from Thunder to Wildflower Wildfire is interesting. "If you're on fire, if you're on fire you should just keep burning" turns into "I learn not to turn into a wildfire" and "I promise nothing will burn you" and "like the others baby, burns, burns, burns"
  8. This song is interesting and i love it for this. The theme is sadness and depression turning into something beautiful. she has a double meaning between "blue period" and "blue, period" and it's told by the way she enunciates it. "there would be no blue period" meaning picasso's blue period of paintings but she's also saying if it's so simple, nobody would ever be blue or depressed-- PERIODT.
  9. still can't wait for this. i didn't think i'd like violets bent backward but i did and this is something i can't wait for. also the fact she's doing another audiobook spoken album thing is gonna be great
  10. speaking of this, hopefully once it’s finished she can put it out immediately. That’d be cool to have 3 albums from her this year lol but more likely next
  11. Add Wild One before Dealer and add Your Girl before Nectar. Thank me later
  12. I want a Mama Cass cover on this album. PLEASE. the Queen covering the Queen of Laurel Canyon would be FUCKING ICONIC (even tho Cass didn't write much of her own stuff, idc)
  13. It means it's getting a lot of streams and it's one of the most popular songs on the album
  14. didn't VOTD get turned into the verse/pre chorus to Groupie Love tho? the melody
  15. Lana and her friends in 30 years still dancing to the backbeat playing just for her
  16. so will we get hey blue baby and stupid for being happy on the country album? we should. and is this american standards album the same as the country album?
  17. i love how lana ignored the fact that taylor secman name thing lmaooo she was like "oh i have no idea that's so weird" girl bye
  18. wait wait wait, what???? DID ANYONE RECORD THIS LIVE?!?!?! the first step for what's to come. maybe that means more unreleased songs finally being released? not sure if i like the idea of that, i like new stuff lol stop it lol
  19. Did anyone ask if she's working on another album already? we need another pre-pre-release thread
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