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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. i wish we could implement a countdown for releases lol @Elle is that a thing that you could look into? like a banner that counts down to the next release?
  2. i can't believe we're getting two albums this year, it still is wild to me. we got cocc AND we're getting blue banisters. she really wanted to feed the gays
  3. yes yes yes. tbh i hope the second pre-chorus is like "I'll play you like a Gameboy, over and over Take me to the arcade-ia," something idk lol
  4. my last post was a joke obviously but like can we talk about how she mentioned video games and Arcadia sounds like the word "arcade"? I just put two and two together a couple minutes ago lol
  5. Elizabeth, I know what you meant when you said your chest is the sierra madre And when you called your hips every high and byway You like it when he traces them with his fingertips like a Toyota Run his hands over you like a Land Rover Arcadia Playing video games like an arcade
  6. Not true at all-- my local record stores absolutely have to have Lana in because her records sell every time they order her. Don't get me wrong, steaming is a big deal, but vinyl records at least for her specifically, is very important too. I think at this point SHE might not care too much because she already knows she's going to end up selling the vinyls. Maybe this could be a test run to see what happens if she puts out a digital album first and then she'll have a better idea of how she'd do if she actually did a digital only album. I don't think she'd do bad at all, we should all just be sure to stream it
  7. she tried that and it didn't turn out to be BTD 2.0 with LFL
  8. yeah but COCC was track 2 so BB should be the opening track on BB, to continue the 1-2-1-2-1-2 pattern also, i hope BB gets a better intro, listening to the single is jarring to say the least when it starts abruptly
  9. exactly why we don't like things being moved-- if anything, people should be able to check the first post and see any updates that we get as we get them for news, but anything else in the thread, theories, discussion should be open for whatever related to the album. moving stuff just makes it boring and seem like a waste to even bother being excited on the thread for the album we're excited for. does that kind of make sense? idk
  10. in ways i'm excited to hear the new versions of stuff we already have but i wish she would just do a follow up really quick and it's full of old stuff and an album full of brand new tracks. like they're brand new to people who don't know of leaked stuff but i want brand new, new stuff yknow? idk this is gonna be such a weird album but i have a lot of hype for it. much more than i did for cocc honestly and i was excited for that one. i think blue banisters has me almost as excited as NFR
  11. so if the leaked songs get released, do we then move the versions we had previously to the BB demo album? are they even considered demos? ugh
  12. do we have the full thing? i thought we were still missing like 4-5 tracks at this point
  13. why is everything being spoilered? like...... these tracks have been leaked for years, they're no secret to any of us
  14. i swear if rock candy sweet/loved you then and now leaks i'm putting it on my BB iTunes album
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