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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. I can't believe I now have to make my Blue Banisters demo/outtake album already. I'm gonna have to move leaked versions of Living Legend, Thunder, and Cherry Blossom over there
  2. Also, what happened to lying @lustforlife girl you were full of it lmao
  3. the way this album is going to be an absolute cultural reset y'all who haven't listen-- y'all aren't ready
  4. wait can't we say half the album leaked like a year or two ago when living legend and some of the others leaked
  5. Honestly, I don’t want the album to leak, I want the demos and out takes we’re getting the album in a week, we don’t need a leak right now lol all we need is patience and outtakes please
  6. I believe this part could be about Lana’s mom. Her mom being a gatekeeper, telling her she’s not going to be successful as a singer when that was what she wanted to be. The gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off” meaning even when she’s not working and trying to , that gatekeeping person is still is dropping those keys, that she’s not going to succeed. The “monsters still under my bed” line could be about that, Lana being afraid of her mom when she was younger, that fear still fucking her up now. It could also be about a relationship, a guy being a gatekeeper, maybe a record executive back when she was younger downatthemeninmusicbusinessconference possibly. She has a weak mission statement (personal constitution) because of those monsters, whether that’s actually alcohol or her mom and the gatekeeper. Very interesting song. The more I listen and think about it, the more I wanna dissect it. If we go with the idea that this line is about Lana’s mom, maybe the change in “writing on my walls” to “writing on your walls” isn’t a change from herself to the listener, but instead, a message to her mom or whoever the gatekeeper is.
  7. No official word of a delay — if it were delayed for reasons of remixing or fixing a final mix, it would end up messing up the versions on streaming vs the physicals we’ll get. At this point, the vinyls are pressed and the cds are made, along with tapes. Less than 2 weeks out is too short of a time to delay for those kinda reasons
  8. can you use a new emote instead of the same boring one you always use. also can you answer why you want it to leak if you said before you had the album? girl.....
  9. we'll be in another pre-prerelease by the end of next week prolly
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