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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. I don't think it's really all that fair to be screaming IT'S UNPROFESSIONALLLLLL when we kind of expected this. like.... guys we all chose to believe something that we knew wouldn't happen. remember when june 1 came and went? she just ignored it. the same thing with all the other dates the last few eras. what do you expect? lmao it usually comes out around 3-6 months after she gives a date, and realistically, she has said in the past that she likes to release every 15-16 months. technically we're about a year out from that time frame. i'd love another album but we've just gotten one in march and we have violet bent backward AND new singles to hold us over. especially when we heard she's changing the songs, we shouldn't known right then. if anything, it might be a good thing that she's changing the album and doing new songs instead of using leftovers from NFR and COCC, we already know a couple of songs from cocc were NFR leftovers. i'm just glad to know that jack isn't on this one. sad to hear no new rick songs, but we won with the news that jack isn't on it. we needed her to get away from him to develop her sound again. makes me wonder if they've had a falling out though
  2. i would but if it's a digital release like i have a feeling it could be.... idk lol
  3. i dont remember that. it was on dbree but not on youtube as far as i can remember
  4. and honestly why do people care? not to be rude, but idk why it matters. he's literally just an insider, he's not a celebrity. i mean happy birthday to the guy, but like..... why does it matter to anyone when his birthday is lmao
  5. i just wanna know already whats in store for this weekend -_- if it gets delayed i hope she says something about it
  6. yall are throwing in your delusional cards this quick?
  7. again with these jokes, she has already put out an album this year she also said spring she sleeps and released 3 songs in spring so
  8. I checked ATRL. BOZ last said on 6/25 he hasn't seen any change as far as the release date. It could literally come or be delayed again, so just be prepared for anything. I guess here we go yall... our last week before we're either fed a whole ass new album or we'll be disappointed and have to wait a bit longer. at least we know she's working on an album. it could've been like after LFL where she wasn't writing much
  9. That's fine and all but the facts are the facts. Be in denial all you want. Pandemic happened. It's still happening in some places of the world. People died. It may be harder to replace the people who literally died than you think in factories, facilities, etc. Shes an album artist and her music sells best when she has physicals at release. Who knows though, she may change it up and do a digital release. That still doesn't change the fact that things may be different that what you think. If it were that simple, we wouldn't still have book, movie, and video game delays well into next year and the year after. Tours can change and festivals can change. They can refund your ticket if it gets cancelled. This is a physical release, it's not the same thing as festivals and tours which are mainly scheduled for next year. There's a few this year but not many Also, being rich doesn't mean she doesn't want her business to be successful while writing music as a therapeutic form of escapism and for herself. She's allowed to be a business woman and make money if she wants to, while writing music for herself to get her thoughts out? Her way of doing it is selling music, tours, and merch, which a lot of us pay lots of money for. Why are we now resulting to gatekeeping because she's rich and she has a business so she's not "making music for herself, she clearly sells things"? To each their own about their opinions, but she's clearly made a path for other artists and she's a legend of our generation. Lol you're on a Lana forum in case you didn't know
  10. Also the possibility of another poetry book with an audiobook, a covers album shes had in the works for a while, and other projects. She's a busy woman! We should let her work at whatever pace she wants, honestly. I'll be disappointed as much as the next stan but honestly.... i'm down for it to be delayed a couple months so i'll have more money to buy vinyl variants sksksk
  11. This is nothing like that. Remember-- covid still exists. Things may be delayed at any point for anything. Pay attention to release dates for everything- movies, video games, books, music. Everything has been delayed by over a year. COCC was delayed by 6 months. I'm sorry that happened to you, and yes that person was abusive, but a date ditching you is something personal, whereas a release date being stretched due to a worldwide pandemic that might be out of her control (and since that could've happened and did happen last year, she could've decided to keep working on it). She's only getting a pass from me because of covid. But otherwise, either way, these two situations are completely different. This is more like when a pizza should take 8 minutes to bake, but ends up needing 2 minutes extra or 4 minutes extra. It's not going to inconvenience YOU by any way not to have an album you know nothing about yet out as quickly as YOU want. Imagine that pizza. Would you starve having to wait 2-4 extra minutes? No. The delay only truly inconveniences Lana and Interscope, which may be the point (if she's not friendly with Interscope like we think but who knows), but not stans who just got an album less than 4 months ago and a poetry book not even a year ago with an audiobook. Yeahhhh except it costs money to make music. Time is money. She has to rent studios, spend time with producers which isn't free, and at the end of the day she runs a business. Yes, it's unprofessional, but what can we do? We still stan and buy vinyls and will continue to do so because the music tends to be high quality no matter what anyone says. She still outperforms anyone else in today's generation, both in the studio, lyricism, and live shows.
  12. the way lana says "spring i skip" but releases 3 songs during spring
  13. Yeah July was in the prequel of this year's textbook, it was right after the spring we skipped and June
  14. remember that feeling we all felt when we noticed Lana used autotune on TJF and then we all realized how she used it artistically instead of trying to make herself sound "better" than she actually does like typical artists use it? i hope we get moments like that on this record. just the genius of using weird fucking things for absolutely no reason other than artistic vision
  15. The store has been down for a while though. LDRVillage is up but not lanadelreystore.com which usually changes before a big album/book roll out, the rob bit idk about lol
  16. Okay so let's make fake tracklists just for funsies The Revenge of Lizzy Fucking Grant 1. I killed my daddy and my mother too (Lizzy's Version) 2. Blue Banisters (Lizzy's Version) 3. Daddies In Miami (Lizzy's Version) 4. Manhatten Manhandler (Lizzy's Version) 5. Wildflower Wildfire (Lizzy's Version) (this one has electric guitars) 6. Dealer (Zach's Version) Interlude: God Bless & Fuck Off 7. Loved You Then And Now (Rock Candy Sweet) (Lana's Version) 8. Textbook (Lana's Version) 9. Italian Hitman (Lana's Version 10. Cake Like Lady Gaga (Lana's Version) 11. Bennie and Eddie, Those Henties R Dead Daddies (Lana's Version) 12. Bye LA Forever, Fuck Off Whenever (Lana's Version) 13. Thunder (Zach's Version) 14. Quarantined On Tinder (Lana's Version)
  17. inb4 one of the songs on the album includes a random LB notification sound in the background
  18. Don't worry, we'll get some slow songs, that always happens. on the other hand, i don't really want anything folky. i don't need her to turn boring and casual. i wanna hear some fun new weird ass tracks like some kind of psychedelic rock or prog rock or glam rock. something weird and different. we need more venice bitches but all we'll get are let me love yous....
  19. tbh though one of her best sounds behind that fucking wah wah guitar -- if we got a final release with that on a song....
  20. If anything, I wish she would release things even if it was on Soundcloud or Bandcamp, songs that are like outtakes and misfits from each era. Like release entire batches throughout the year, do BTD Batch 1 with like 5-6 songs we don't have or haven't heard before or even leaked stuff that we already have. Then 6 weeks later, release UV Batch 1, etc.
  21. Okay so I see the delusion has gone from stans liking the repetitiveness of Yosemite to the repetitiveness of Guns N Roses they're both okay tracks, but they're not great either, i think some stans have this grandeur idea of Yosemite because Yosemite was in the vault of lana's laptop, "alone, for so long" lol i'm just saying, there's so many better tracks from her and on cocc, (NAWWAL, DBJAG, and WAH waves hello)
  22. Yosemite is just as repetitive as Guns N' Roses and can get annoying after listening for too long. The best part about it is the bridge. I guess after it being unreleased for so long ruined it for me because it just didn't live up to the hype. it isn't a bad song it's just repetitive as hell
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