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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. why and how does this work so much better? holy shit. we need these decisions on her music. fuck
  2. they always do this. they hate the songs until they hear the album and then they love it again always the same lmao
  3. the gemini energy yessss I hope it is left off the album. if we get thunder AND cherry blossom, that's 5 songs we already have before the album comes out and i don't want that, i want all new stuff and not stuff from 5+ years ago
  4. Kissed a friend? Years. Boyfriend? On sunday lol When was the last time you cried?
  5. the picture from Lana's birthday with the boobs makes me wonder if that energy she was radiating that day made her change the album. like she looked so happy and genuinely in a good place and if this was gonna be her revenge album but she changed the songs.... would that mean we're getting a happier album? i need tea boz come on spill what you know (give us the expected release date, album title, something P L Z)
  6. this is an interesting question bc if he's seen the tracklist wouldn't it be likely the artwork is already done too? or no?? ughhhh i need to know too omg
  7. Lana really just said "Fuck the album we're driving"
  8. Does she ever do like 3 posts in a row for announcements tho?
  9. I'm so into this especially the arm/hands in the middle lmao triple boob lana yes
  10. she's vaping again so that's good for her vocals as far as the album.... maybe since it's now summer we'll get more info. honestly, i don't even want a vinyl right away, i'd be happy with a digital record for like month or two or even 6 months idc
  11. What if boz just shared that line just bc he likes that song lol
  12. i was thinking this too like the singles This didn't age well
  13. alright big boobs?? like it looks like lana but not what the hell im so confused by the pic she posted
  14. It's just a blank cover, "untitled" album name, no merch, no tour, and it's 15 tracks long of silence
  15. when i was a white dress doing a waitress like look how i got this look how i got this it made me feel made me feel like a white dress it made me feel made me feel like a waitress down at the men in white dress conference down in the white dress i was only a waitress down at the men in white dress conference i only mention it cause it was such a waitress and i felt like a white dress
  16. Is there proof against his credibility tho? he's shown several times "hey we're getting 3 singles" and he told us about BB not being done by jack?
  17. Honestly tho we got two good albums after LFL. if that means we have to get a bad album every few albums thats fine, because the ones after will be better i'm convinced (tbh i hope we get the original version of the album someday though.... like boz should reveal what the original tracklist was after the album comes out) He's proven himself reputable though
  18. She already loved Bowie and he did glam rock for a while. I'd be here for it tbh lol
  19. What if she realized after the songs came out that they weren't revenge enough so she made even more revengey songs though?
  20. I thought Eclipse got things from his brother or friend who has an in at iTunes or apple music or some streaming service. As far as BOZ goes, I'm not sure of his source but it seems like he gets things from the mixing loop of things, like when things get sent to be mixed or the final mixes get sent. i know some people got the mixing stage of cocc and dealer was included in that.
  21. Also, BOZ said he hasn't heard the new songs on the album.... so what if some of those songs are the same with a different title?
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