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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. I honestly think the song isn't coming this week, yall are just wildin. Also, the last like week or 2 yall were wanting a release date to be announced and hoping she'll announce it "in 5 minutes" or "in 25 minutes" or whatever its so useless. guys we're 3 weeks away from the album dropping we're gonna eat soon just wait until it's cooled down enough to enjoy it. if it comes this week lets just be surprised and happy regardless but if it's not don't be let down bc she didn't give us any dates for anything other than the album anyways.....
  2. eclipse said some people have it so who knows. if they're sharing it around then definitely yes
  3. banned for being one of the most active mods these days even though you've only been a mod for like 2 months or something
  4. Today's episode of Wandavision was literally EVERYTHING i loved it holy fuck
  5. well that sucked. no BOTW2 news, no acknowledgement of the Zelda 35th anniversary, we're missing Twilight Princess and Wind Waker on Switch...... kill me please
  6. country at heart? bro like you're not country at heart bro you're from new york bro and you've been living in california for a decade bro lol wtf is that caption even
  7. honestly idk why there wasn't a deluxe version with Stupid For Being So Happy and Hey Blue Baby on this album. it still makes me wonder if she will ever release those tracks, i would think this would be the perfect album for a couple little acoustic tracks on it from the descriptions we've heard so far
  8. I WAS JUST ABOUT TO MENTION NONNY PEEKA MONGER i sometimes still say that name to this day bc it's stuck with me and it's so fucking weird
  9. NFR roll out i was so anti leaks or anything at all and i still stand by it but snippets if they're officially shared.... maybe. which is a hard maybe bc Lana over shared NFR before it dropped, it feels like we've had it longer than a year and a half at this point. idk this time we've literally had the least amount of snippets so i kind of am so for going into the album blind.
  10. i can't believe how good some of gaga's older songs are today. bloody mary is still such a banger and i'm sad it didn't get put on the radio and hair is still so good too ugh. love the BTW era so much still
  11. i was here during tropico pre release and UV pre release and then left and came back with this account. idk what the old account was anymore at this point tho so i think i deserve brownie points for that OH MY GOD THIS WAS SUCH A LOOK tbh as janky as it looks i miss this lana when she was just lana and nobody was like her at all and she was who she was there was no explaining her lol
  12. honestly same. i want that surfy, grungy heavy electric guitars ooo i want electric wah wah guitars but somehow incorporated with violins or violas
  13. what a great interview!!! it actually sounds like they respected her for fucking once. and she seemed fragile but realistic, but almost uncertain about things. i can't wait for this album to drop so we can see where she'll go afterward. hmm....
  14. what about all these lipsters? and all of their broken laptops? why am i even wondering that today?
  15. y'all i'm screaming i mean...... it's so close to the release but yet so far away and we get this close to a leak and SOMEONES FUCKING COMPUTER DIES FUCK tensions are rising over file lies
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