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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. She is the queen, have you seen her in AHS? She’d be the best lol but imagine when they were friends and then it all goes to shit on twitter, I could see Angela getting pissed off on her phone and the tweets popping up on the side of the screen and she’s walking around the house YELLING AT HER PHONE HAHAHA OMGGGG
  2. Omg I’d be so here to watch what happened between Ben & Elle on fucking TV omfg hahaha I mean it wasn’t that bad but i mean i’d still be drinking tea and we’d all have to do a LB zoom with Elle for her episode lolol I think ben is the scat poster
  3. uhh can we also have Jimmy Gnecco played by Matthew Mcconaughey?
  4. her hair reminds me of the cute look she served during the honeymoon tour omgggggg
  5. “Fourteen, and you’re taller than I will ever be. My legs are short and twisted, and I walk with difficulty. I require a special saddle to keep from falling off my horse. A saddle of my own design, you may be interested to know. It was either that or ride a pony. My arms are strong enough, but again, too short. I will never make a swordsman. Had I been born a peasant, they might have left me out to die, or sold me to some slaver’s grotesquerie. Alas, I was born a Lannister of Casterly Rock, and the grotesqueries are all the poorer. Things are expected of me. My father was the Hand of the King for twenty years. My brother later killed that very same king, as it turns out, but life is full of these little ironies. My sister married the new king and my repulsive nephew will be king after him. I must do my part for the honor of my House, wouldn’t you agree? Yet how? Well, my legs may be too small for my body, but my head is too large, although I prefer to think it is just large enough for my mind. I have a realistic grasp of my own strengths and weaknesses. My mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his warhammer, and I have my mind … and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.” Tyrion tapped the leather cover of the book. “That’s why I read so much, Jon Snow.” Tyrion Lannister to Jon Snow in Game of Thrones (Book 1) by George RR Martin
  6. Aww that sucks. They’re closing a bookstore in my hometown that’s been open since like 1963 and its really sad. They’re only closing because the owners daughters ran it after their dad died in the 80s and now they’re ready to retire and move onto retirement life I guess. They said they won’t close until they’re all sold out of books so they’ll prolly be around a little while longer but I went with my bf the other day and it was packed, there were so many books and so many people there. We were uncomfortable and had to leave but I’d love to support them before they go
  7. Oh something to know!! If some of you aren’t able to afford books, go to a library or want to save some money on college textbooks, check out Libgen. I’m not saying to never pay for books again.... lol (they have tons of stuff in multiple languages in ebook format... so just a heads up. Books can get expensive sooooo)
  8. i’m reading It by Stephen King still and i’m still trying to get through A Storm of Swords by George RR Martin a year later
  9. so it’s december.... i wonder when this will drop lol watch it only be like 8 tracks too -_-
  10. can we post our apple music stuff here or will we have a separate thread?
  11. So I think I cracked another drug reference code. I don’t mean to sound repetitive but when I hear these songs again lately I’m thinking WOAH WHAT.... how could I have missed this? This one I think is a stretch and is more wrong than the one I mentioned a few weeks ago in the post about Backfire but i digress. It’s not meant to be an absolute “THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE MEANT, IT’S EXACTLY TRUE 100000%” take with a grain of salt just a theory yet again, I don’t think it’s absolutely true, but think about this: ”I’ve been working everyday 8 to 9” who works 13 hour days? I mean, I get it, she lived in a trailer park at one point in her life, I’m sure she probably worked a lot at a drive in or wherever, but some people consider drug dealing as a side hustle/job (or if you’re selling enough, full time job) but, let’s just keep going ”Serving coke and fries at the movie blue drive in” So... serving coke (selling yayo) and fries (could be a slight drug reference to weed, acid, whatever really. Being fried is a reference I’ve always know as being high as fuck on weed, but Urban Dictionary apparently thinks it’s about LSD so.... idk think of it as you want.) Blue... anyone familiar with baby blue pills? Watson makes blue hydrocodone pills. The blue part is an even bigger stretch when it comes to this line, but it made me think, “why the fuck did she say movie blue drive in”???? “I don’t wanna care tonight, I don’t wanna fight” She’s down to feel out of her element tonight, maybe down to use and she doesn’t wanna argue about it This song has always had that creepy, stalker ex gf vibe to it for me, along the lines of Serial Killer, like a sister track to it. Does anyone know exactly when it was written? I’m just saying, Lana tends to have double meanings in her music and I could never figure out this song. I think for me, this makes the most sense. Like I was saying earlier, before yall come for me, I think I am 98% wrong (and maybe a slight drug reference was used unintentionally)
  12. okay i figured it out, ordered my copy only bc it seems to only be available in the UK? and i like limited releases
  13. but where the fuck do you order it at
  14. I’d actually be down to hear another Donovan cover from Lana. Something like Wear Your Love Like Heaven or Sleep or something idk. I mean, not necessarily “American” classics, but still...
  15. STOP IT STOP IT DO NOT GET MY HOPES UP FOR CALIFORNIA DREAMIN’ Actually, California Dreamin’ makes a lot of sense, bc she quoted it on Fuck It I Love You and she just covered Summertime, which was sampled on Doin’ Time.... woah fuck me
  16. Don’t forget we got the weird crazy character video thing a few months ago too lol
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