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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. I love the Janis Joplin version, I truly hope she does it similar to her, where it’s kind of in your face and scream dreamy
  2. She has a point and she’s right. Period
  3. i wonder if the album of covers came to fruition when she decided to put a cover on cocc? maybe she started thinking about other songs and wanting to cover them but couldn’t make up her mind so she said fuck it, i wanna put out a digital cover album?
  4. i love this. she seems more outspoken about politics when she feels it aligns with her
  5. honestly give him some coke or amphetamines and i’d be behind it. give him that energy he’ll need to be president lol
  6. This speech is actually really good, this is the first time Biden and Harris have sounded presidential so far so this should be much better than Trump’s admin. I just hope this can remedy Harris putting black men in prison for weed
  7. In some respect I get what you’re saying, but I’m not 100% certain. It’s just true. Either way, we really couldn’t have had trump again. We didn’t need that mess again. It just makes me wonder how far Biden will roll back things Trump did. Hopefully it’ll only be bad shit. Realistically, I’m not sure if you’re in the US or not, but his lowered tax thing that Trump did gave me a boost in my paycheck almost $50 overnight. That matters to me. Also, Obamacare taxed everyone who doesn’t pay for health insurance. If i can’t pay for health insurance, why do you think I can afford a $600 fine at the end of the year??? It’s fucking ridiculous. I really hope that doesn’t get reversed either... People talk about every bad thing Trump did because it’s easy, he did so much bad shit. But people don’t mention the couple of good things he did. I just hope the economy can go up and I can keep my job— my job is reliant on the current economy, it needs to be healthy for me to be able to keep my job. I will say, the economy was recovering before covid, covid ruined what was being built. Although, I will say inflation has caused the cost of living to be increased over 25% in my area but pay hasn’t been reflected to that. This is why I’m worried about both Trump or Biden being president. In my perfect world, it would’ve been Jo Jorgensen The democrats are just as bad as the republicans, divide and separate the country either by race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, social status, whatever it might be. That’s what the political parties are meant to do, the republicans and democrats need to be banned to run for president for 10-20 years, they’ve absolutely fucked the US. Give me a real president who gives a shit about the US, we have military vets who are homeless on the streets and nobody cares. Everyone outside of the US seems to want us to have a democratic president because it’ll benefit them, but when can we have a president who will benefit the US and the world? We never fucking get that and it seems we never will, unfortunately. Sorry for the essay, it’s just, politics matters to me down to the local level and a lot of people don’t want to look at two sides of it. I’m libertarian so I believe there are some good things on both sides, but I don’t agree with all. I will say, I’m proud that we’ve voted in a president with a female VP— she’ll more than likely be president within the next 4 years, Joe might not make it his entire term considering he’s the oldest president we’ve ever had.
  8. Biden winning is better than Trump winning, but what’s scary is how our relationship with NK could go south. I hope Kim Jong Un agrees to talk to Biden and forms a better relationship but for some reason I’m worried it’ll turn sour again. Trump was a bad president but at least he got us in talks with NK instead of starting WW3 like everyone thought
  9. plus, with covid and the vinyl manufacturer fires a few years ago, it sucks but some of it is out of her control and she was really wanting us to hear it earlier than this. i keep saying this but i think she’s already recording for a new album for after COCC
  10. honestly i really hope it’s not like 10 songs i hope there’s like 20-30 since they’re all covers and the music is already written, all they need is her vocals and an instrumental thats playing the already written music. fuckkkk
  11. this right here. he says on his website “i’m for the new green deal” then at the debate says he’s against it. what are you for it or against it? you can’t be both. he says “if you don’t vote biden, you ain’t black!” then calls trump racist for stopping flights to and from china when he did, but then also says he would’ve done it sooner..??? idk i feel like biden is just senile and lost his senses, but i also think trump is a whack job too who can’t do anything right
  12. no i feel like they’re the same honestly. but we’ll see... i think biden is racist as much as trump
  13. we stan shade throwing lana, she always gets like this before an album and i love it hahahaha
  14. are you thinking christmas songs? that’s not happening, she’s just giving us a cover album for christmas
  15. the state isn’t done yet tho. theyre in 2 time zones
  16. not yall talking about the election in the cocc thread seriously tho we won’t know because of covid. there’s been a shit ton of mail in ballots and they won’t be counted until tonight LANA RELEASE COCC BEFORE YOU ADD ON “Loss For The Culture — Loss For Our Cocc”
  17. I think it’s old age. I went back and listened to his speech he gave when he got the medal from Obama at the end of the presidency and he was completely complicit and there. It could be a stutter but is it a stutter due to age and memory loss?
  18. it really doesn’t matter anymore, he’s not paying her and the polls are gonna close in a couple hours so
  19. do you have a girl? i don’t see a ring in ya finger. well that’s interesting, have you ever thought of dating a singer?
  20. I’m not attacking you, all I’m saying is the truth. People’s minds are easily influenced — if you’re going to take sides in the US election (which indirectly effects you) at least be informed and knowledgeable. That’s what pisses me off so much about Trump supporters— they have no knowledge of what they’re voting for.
  21. don’t take any pre-closing polling statuses as factual. most arent. hillary had the higher numbers and she still lost
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