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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  2. I think Arya went back to Kings Landing as Littlefinger. I swear she has to have his face still. She also might already be there since she left before Jon and Dany I’m p sure. She’s prolly already there and planning her attack from inside the castle
  3. The lyrics in this give me hope that she can still write like this for NFR
  4. Wow the lyrics. Holy hell. I’m impressed. Do we know the time frame from this one? What album was it intended for?
  5. What if she was doing a play on words with this album and it means “rock well”
  6. American Whore


    This is so weird. Different from The Altar which was an okay album. I can’t wait for this, I wanna hear the direction of this album and what she does next
  8. Yeah... I’m sadly disappointed. She took time off just to make stale music when she came back. She should’ve collabed with someone and had someone else listen to the album before releasing it. It’s just.... meh. I miss when her music had a bigger picture she’s trying to sell you
  9. Barry was a cunt but honestly he would’ve given her the ideas for a second UV so yeah.... Barrie lol
  10. I’m p sure one was Bartender. The other one she didn’t mention unless it was Sylvia, I’m p sure she mentioned it around the same time as Bartender
  11. I think the thing that pisses me off is that she has the nerve to post every few days these pics with her friends and then doesn’t find the time to post any updates about what’s going on. Just a simple “Hey, guys! Album and book coming this summer, thanks for your patience you’ll get to read and listen soon enough xx LDR” is all that’s needed. Or “Hey guys just wanted to let you know, books are bounded and we’re finishing up the rest of the record, I’ll put it out soon xx LDR” Nobody cares about her thots we just want her THOUGHTS about the album or any fucking thing I guess. I’m desperate at this point... Inb4 someone goes off, sure she has the right to post what she wants but come on...
  12. Have we ever know her to have issues with her mom? I never took the Old Money lyric negatively. I thought it was more of a reflection of what her parents left her with, so she’s building herself off of that. Her father’s strong love and her mother’s glamor. I’d have to read the lyrics to remember what My Momma was about but I don’t think the black narcissist lyric is about her mom at all, I think it’s almost like her speaking in 3rd person about herself? As in “She never cared less, and I’ve never cared more” kind of like the theory that Swan Song was between Lana & Lizzy, “I will never sing again, and you won’t work another day” It being about her mom seems too random to me honestly. I could be wrong and I guess we all have our interpretations (and you have ur own reasons, everyone can have their own attachment to a song I guess. I love this track bc of the personal-ness)
  13. Yeah Jhene Aiko did this when she was pregnant, she kept making music
  14. VB inspired Kevin Abstract’s album so uhh I don’t think the length is a problem with that one, it made its impact already Edit: I just saw a reply from you above mine sorry lol if it were up to me tho I’d have Lana on a full on 70s psychedelic rock sounding record, one with long ass 7-10m tracks. Ugh one can only dream
  15. Why? What’s making you think 2020? She said in March she’s hoping in 6m, that would be September at the latest
  16. I really want another mostly guitar driven track again like Pretty When You Cry. I love that with her voice, it matches so well... if Jack can do something that sounds so natural like that, then I’ll be impressed fully by this record. Don’t get me wrong, I love VB, BUT it’s a little too synthy for me to compare it to PWYC. It’s not anything she’s ever done before and that’s for sure, but to compare the two, it’s not so much apples to oranges but it’s not apples to pears either. If that makes sense? I guess it’s kind like a more synth version of a faster Flipside kind of? (This is the first time I’ve thought about this and I’m stoned so bear with me if this doesn’t make sense) I just want Lana to be that 70s rock goddess I know is somewhere in her soul
  17. The twinks only want it bc it’s the most “pop” sounding song and that way they have something to bop their pussies severely to
  18. Remember that pic Lana posted back in Feb in front of a painting, it’s captioned with “!?” emojis. I know that date was when it was painted, but what if that date behind her held any meaning? It looks like 06-7-69 (or 79?) or 16-7-79. It even looks like 06-7-19 but I’m sure it’s not “19” if someone wants to post a receipt so I can’t figure out what this painting is and what that date is bc Idfk how to search about a painting when I know nothing about it
  19. Let’s just hope something is around the corner... I mean we can’t be waiting for much longer until she says something. It’s so late into the year, I mean... does she expect us to care a year after?
  20. No, March 29 was a date that was originally planned. This one, someone pulled out of their ass
  21. That’s what makes sense to me. I wonder if the music changes at all or the poetry? Hmmm
  22. This is very common with the genre VB is in. If you listen to Kings of Leon’s Cold Desert, that one was done freely out of a drunk night just playing around done in one take. Almost like the Laurel Canyon, soft rock/southern rock sound with little hints of psychedelia
  23. My wig was being pulled off until I read that VB part. Wig snapped back on, strapped down, glued
  24. I need Lana to make a new hoe anthem for this album. We had G&M/Cola, FMWUTTT/Florida Kilos, Freak, and White Mustang (I don’t think it’s supposed to be sexual, but I think it sounds funny if you think about it that way lolol) & maybe Cherry could be a hoe track but otherwise it was missing from LFL. This one NEEDS a hoe song
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