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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. I don't think I saw that exchange, but no, FT, you haven't been rude to me. No one has in eons. About the time of NFR!, this was a wild west of outrageous attacks; absolutely anything in terms of expression seemed to have been acceptable. LanaBoards is 100% improved since that time. And everyone, my advice is to use the block feature if necessary. It's there for a reason.
  2. I would like to see her do some sort of scorching outburst like Tori Amos's 'Waitress': So I want to kill this waitress She's worked here a year longer than I If I did it fast you know that's an act of kindness But I believe in peace I believe in peace, bitch I believe in peace I want to kill this waitress I can't believe this violence in mind and is her power all in a club sandwich But I believe in peace I believe in peace, bitch I believe in peace I want to kill this killing wish There're too many stars and not enough sky Boys all think she's living kindness Ask a fellow waitress Ask a fellow waitress ++++++++++++ That's a good reason to kill her troublesome coworker: "there's too many stars and not enough sky"! That's a real 'I don't like Mondays' answer if there ever was one.
  3. That's an absolutely normal reaction to anything you've anticipated for for months and then...and then...and then sometimes you feel let down, disappointed, sad, empty. I have felt that way after several of Lana's albums, but not after COCC or BB. I've learned to temper my enthusiasm and 'dreams beyond imagining.' I didn't care for the title song, so that's helped me stay balanced.
  4. It's fantasic, isn't it? I have it on DVD and watch it and rewatch it. Our fellow member uses Nin's photo with her head in the birdcage as their profile photo.
  5. Anais Nin in 'Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome,' one of my favorite underground films. Bravo.
  6. I’ve responded to you twice, but keep getting the use of the spoiler button wrong since I am trying to do this on my phone instead of on my Mac. Sorry. We do have very similar taste.
  7. No, many here have said have great, how deep, how sad and how moving they feel it is.
  8. EVERYBODY, I made a BIG MISTAKE earlier. Several times. The critic who lambasted Lana, and whom I was criticizing as basically a fascist, was ANN POWERS—-not Annie Mac. I am so glad my unconscious suddenly tossed this up into my awareness several hours later. My apologies to everyone, especially Annie Mac.
  9. ABSOLUTELY! You learn from life and your own actions. As young people, most of us learn by trial and error, as in, "Oh, calling that guy in my math class a hick wasn't such a good idea, as others brow-beated me, moved away from me, and then he really dressed me down in the hallway in front of everyone." Live and learn. It's a long process that only gets tighter and more difficult until we find some success in ourselves as individuals, and Lana has been documenting for the world her own experience of this, which now continues in depth on OC.
  10. Thank you. I have great feeling for so many of you here, and appreciate your intelligence and varying opinions and all your other gifts. We all see things from different points of the spectrum, and that's what leads to healthy and vigorous understanding of one another and of Lana's music. As I've said, the best example of this for me was when someone mentioned how they thought 'Old Money' was song by a relatively youthful person, and that forced me to read and reread the lyrics and see how that conclusion was possible, and I realized it was, that 'the kids were young and pretty' might have been young women and men, not children, the children of the narrator, as I had assumed. I had always assumed the narrator was a mature women in her 50s or greater, and I still think that, but I see now see how it is possible to interpret it another way completely. And now 'A&W' opens up another pandora's box of multiple ways of interpreting the lyrics and their meaning. And it seems "Fingertips' does as well. My best to you.
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