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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. We are 100% more civilized and civil than we were post-LFL going into NFR! I really appreciate the effort made by the mods to block the really excessive nasty posters on here who were full of hate and malice towards almost everyone. When and where do we expect to see the announcement tomorrow? On her Honeymoon account? What time? Noon EST?
  2. I don’t grovel at the mention of any producer or artist, for that matter, and I bet that’s true of many of us. Turning any artist or public figure into a cult figure is always wrong, for you and for the other party.
  3. I am going to remain cautiously optimistic about the sound of the new song itself. But definitely cautiously.
  4. It could be that she overheard the title in a crowd or in a restaurant and just liked it, and incorporated it into a song, or was then inspired to write a song with the title. Hopefully it will have some meaning that is subtle or outright understandable, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Look at how the MAC complex fit into that song; it was really just a rhyme.
  5. It will appear on my iTunes account as ‘There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Boulevard.’
  6. It fits in with other titles from her like ‘Mariners’ Apartment Complex,’ ‘Blue Banisters,’ and especially her poetry album.
  7. Maybe Lana is still thinking of her body as a map of LA….with this Ocean Boulevard | Tunnel symbolism.
  8. Yes, let’s hope it’s not legit. It’s about as plain, flat, and uncreative as possible. A forthgrader could do better, and one with eye problems.
  9. Serene Queen is just amazing and one of my Top 3 unreleased.
  10. There are also, all along the South Florida coast, ‘tunnels’ that just lead from the road to the actual beach, which make great echo chambers—including from Ocean Blvd. When I was growing up there, we referred to them as ‘tunnels,’ because there were other ways to get from the road and parking lots to the sand and ocean—as in, ‘I ran into Jerry in the tunnel near the ______ beach entrance.’ . The ‘tunnels’ were often filled with rain water and as slippery as hell.
  11. Eric Clapton has a 70s album, ‘461 Ocean Blvd,’ because that’s where he recorded the album. It’s right on the beach, of course I used to drive by it all the time when living there. There’s a photo of the house on the cover.
  12. Keeping positive, but let’s remember her album art has been somewhat disappointing over the years, though let’s not judge a book by its cover if we don’t care for it as individuals, assuming we see it before we hear anything.
  13. Marianne Faithfull covered that song on her 20th Century Blues album.
  14. I am a huge advocate for P, it’s one of my Top 3, so yes, bring that on!!
  15. To me, ‘grand instrumentation’ means something like ‘13B.’
  16. To me, NFR! comes across as compromised as well as very safe by intent, except for ‘Hope,’ which clearly took some balls. It’s my least favorite, though I love VB and TG, and like MAC.
  17. I LOVE BB and COCC too — but BB more. It has 2 of my all-time favorite LDR songs.
  18. Still, it’s pointless data in a conversation like this, though I can understand some may to know where an insider believes a new album ranks alongside her others.
  19. These comments from BOZ and others are completely subjective. How objective is a statement that says NFR and BTD have the best melodies? That’s 100% debatable and personal taste.
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