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Everything posted by StealingTheMoonlight

  1. They posted the code for the other shows on her website.http://www.lanadelrey.com/news/us-shows-pre-sale/ I would suggest checking either right before the presale starts or right when the presale starts.
  2. Is that the Atlanta price?!
  3. I think part of the reason she was pushed so heavily in Europe is because when they were first going to promote her, they had a certain budget and that budget was going to be broken into parts to promote her in the US and promote her in Europe. When the US criticized her after her SNL performance, they probably decided to take her out of the public eye in the US and just decided to focus all their efforts (and money) into Europe. Sounds like it didn't turn out so well.. Hopefully they'll even it out a little more with Ultraviolence because I'd love to see more Lana here. I was kinda embarrassed with the Summertime Sadness remix because people actually thought that was her music.
  4. I would die if she made an oldies sounding album. I would love some Queen of Disaster-sounding songs, but that probably won't happen. A girl can dream...
  5. Me too.. #SouthernEastCoastProbs
  6. I don't care as long as I get an Atlanta date. Lana, don't fail me now.
  7. Don't be greedy. Wait until she's done a US tour....
  8. Find out what she is wearing and wear the exact same outfit. ...Lucky bitch.
  9. If you use Google Chrome, I think it translates it for you.
  10. For singles, in the past she's done them a couple of months ahead. Video Games was apparently October 11, 2011, Born to Die was December 30, 2011, and Ride was September 25, 2012. These were all the singles before the albums because we don't care about Summertime Sadness and Burning Desire because those were singles after the albums came out. Lana doesn't really have a specific time to release singles because Video Games was about 4 months before Born to Die, Born to Die was about 1 month before Born to Die, and Ride was about 2 months before Paradise. As for comparing this release to TROPICO, I think she told us about TROPICO a bit too early because she didn't realize the amount of editing it would take to finish the project and since this is an album instead of a "music video" (using that term loosely), I think Interscope will want to make sure that this is handled properly. Also, they didn't care about Paradise so I don't think they cared too much about TROPICO to make sure the release date was set and stuff. TROPICO looked like more of a project Lana took the reigns of.
  11. As much as I would love 18 songs on the album, I think we'll be getting about 14-16 songs with the deluxe edition, if we get a deluxe edition, like what she did with Born to Die. If no deluxe edition, I see about 10-12 songs but I really hope we get a deluxe edition because I always find myself loving the songs on there the most.
  12. I always think it's crazy when people hope for songs that have been leaked and listened to thousands of times by hard-core fans to be re-released on Ultraviolence. Of course there is that maybe there and I would love to be proven wrong and have a song re-released but I think it's kinda unrealistic to be hoping for one. I think Yayo was a song that was very important to Lana for some reason and is why she had it uploaded on her Youtube channel and re-released on Paradise. Unless she has another song that she holds so near and dear to her heart, I don't think we'll be getting a re-released song on this album.
  13. I don't think a US tour is so far out of reach as you seem to say. I remember reading somewhere that Lana was gonna tour the US in 2012 during the summer but canceled because of the SNL backlash and I think part of that decision was from Interscope. They realized that America wasn't too keen on her and decided to focus on Europe where the people loved her. Now she's had a song in the top 10 (even if it's a remix, it's putting her name out there), she's nominated for two (or three depending on if you count the SS remix, but I personally don't) Grammys, she's performing at Cochella, and it looked like there was a pretty good turn out for the Tropico premiere. Lana is in demand in the US and you can really tell by the excitement for Ultraviolence. So I think that Interscope would really want her to tour America with this album to help keep her in the public eye and show those critics that bashed her that she really is a talented artist.
  14. I don't think the Lollapalooza performance would've had new songs. At the time we were waiting for Tropico and had no idea about Ultraviolence. I wouldn't be suprised if she debuted a new song at Cochella because I think that the reason she is perfoming is to be seen in the public eye.
  15. I agree with everyone else that it is no where near copying. It's kinda far fetched to think that since they both reference very iconic and well known pop culture celebrities that Gaga is copying Lana. As for Gaga changing her style as Lana stepped onto the music scene, Gaga says so herself that she goes threw eras. I don't know if when Lana did become more well known that Gaga was transitioning eras because I'm not a huge Gaga fan but I do remember her saying that in an interview. I think these things are kinda hard to prove because you can call them coincidences unless they are almost exactly alike and even then some people will believe that it's a coincidence.
  16. ...I know. That's why it's kinda weird when Cheryl sings it.
  17. Whenever I listen to her version of Ghetto Baby, I can't help but think that the lyrics sound SO Lana.
  18. Q: Finish these lyrics. "Tell me I'm your..." Correct:National Anthem Wrong:China Doll Wrong:Baby Girl Wrong:Dangerous Q:What are Lana Del Rey's eyes wide like? Correct:Cherry Pies Wrong:Gumdrops Wrong:Chocolate Chips Wrong:Strawberries Q:Which of these Lana Del Rey songs not have a music video? Correct:Without You Wrong:Video Games Wrong:Carmen Wrong:Burning Desire Q:What show did Lana Del Rey preform on and was criticized after? Correct:Saturday Night Live Wrong:Good Morning America Wrong:David Letterman Wrong:The Grammys Q:How did Lana Del Rey describe Tropico in Nylon magainze? Correct:"It's Elvis and Jesus and Marilyn and extraterrestrials all in one." Wrong:"Drugs, Sex, and Rock'n'Roll." Wrong:"Pretty, then hard, then pretty again." Wrong:"Electric."
  19. I think they meant when it premiered on Vevo. Wasn't that December 6th?
  20. Q:What's Lana Del Rey's real name? Correct: Elizabeth Grant Wrong:Emma Grant Wrong:Elizabeth Guile Wrong:Lana Del Rey Q:What is the name of Lana Del Rey's 30-minute short film? Correct: Tropico Wrong: Tropical Wrong: Paradise Wrong: Gods & Monsters Q:What is Lana Del Rey's natural hair color? Correct: Blonde Wrong: Red Wrong: Brunette Wrong: Black Q:What famous brand named a bag after Lana Del Rey? Correct: Mulberry Wrong: Prada Wrong: Chanel Wrong: Gucci Q:What year did Lana Del Rey's debut album Born to Die drop? Correct:2012 Wrong:2013 Wrong:2011 Wrong:2010 These were all I could come up with for now. I reallllllllllly want a QuizUp category for Lana so you can be sure I'll come up with more.
  21. It's what Lana's mostly known for in the United States, unfortunately. When I was going back to school, everybody was putting "Summertime Sadness" everywhere.
  22. That's funny. Last week my friend told me I should watch it because it was on Netflix. I guess I HAVE to watch it now.
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