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Everything posted by keanefar

  1. Everyone's like "why does this person request so many covers?" Well I'm sorry but Beemo is awesome ok? Hey Beemo! Could I please make a small request Image: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=192 Format: Basically exactly like this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/28/Borntodiesingle.png , with LANA DEL REY at the top left and BEHIND CLOSED DOORS on the top right, both in white & and steelfish/Lana font please And exact format as a usual cover please No filters please Thanks in advance and do it whenever! I'll try to stop requesting so much lmfao
  2. Had to open in new tab again. Some random... again.
  3. Right. Jack would extend it to 5001 posts just so I can I get it
  4. The picture, or I'm assuming a gif of some irrelevant bish, doesn't work. if it's Lana I take it back but lbr, it's some irrelevant bish I opened in new tab. It was random in your sig. #EYEROLL
  5. keanefar

    Song vs. Song

    GOODBYE KISS (I'm assuming you meant the live version?) vs. Goodbye Kiss (fan mix)
  6. @@ldr72 whatever. 3,769 posts isn't that bad, anyway. If I post once a day, I'll get it in... 10 years oh jesus I'm sure I'll be a LB member/Lana stan for that long, too. 4 sure.
  7. A Lana gif?! Thank you, TMD. I needed that after the last few pages.
  8. @@ldr72 do you doubt me? I'll take my time but that $20 will be worth it.
  9. keanefar

    Song vs. Song

    Starry Eyed vs Dark Paradise
  10. Hawaiian Tropic - 156 + Heartshaped Chevrolet - 8 Golden Grill - 25 Motel 6 - 7 -
  11. On Our Way 9 --- Velvet Crowbar 166 +++
  12. I handpicked all those gifs. Be thankful
  13. Omg I seriously am so excited I fell in love with Lana (EP) after downloading it!
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