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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  1. jingle bells jingle bells lana all the way oh what fun it is wait for the christmas covers album, hey!
  2. when i open up lanaboards on christmas morning & i see the post release thread for the covers album & multiple leak threads for honeymoon/lfl era outtakes & demos
  3. i was thinking... if lana has borderline personality disorder i must have it too! because i relate to her music A LOT! regardless of what behavior she displays, i don't think we could ever say for sure what's actually going on inside of her head because they're just song lyrics which are artistic & exaggerated, & none of us are doctors who know her personally even if she did have the disorder it's nobody's business & it's not anybody's place to speculate
  4. i want lana to be wearing a glittering baby pink gown while riding a unicorn for the album cover
  5. Dark Angel

    Song vs. Song

    art deco vs. national anthem (demo)
  6. Dark Angel

    Song vs. Song

    kill kill vs. on our way
  7. i would agrue that even trolling or joking about this is... weird
  8. these fans who think they are "paying respect" are straight-up delusional, this is so invasive & innapropriate, if i were lana i would be completely livid
  9. how do we know this? was it confirmed by a reliable source? if it really is true, that's so awful, i wouldn't blame lana for hating fame
  10. i don't even understand this... how could you possibly have daddy issues from listening to a lana song? you can't get daddy issues from a song, it happens when the relationship with the father is strained/absent and it affects you emotionally/mentally as well as the way you see relationships, anybody who's saying they got daddy issues from a lana song already had daddy issues in the first place or don't know what daddy issues actually are, which of course, is sad because it stigmatizes daddy issues and it's very misinforming, i really dislike when people act like lana's music "ruined their life", like, NO, that was your choice, leave lana's music out of it because i gurantee you that you don't even understand it
  11. can you give examples on what people on social media say about lana's unreleased songs? i don't have social media & i'm curious (unless it's just the general opinion that her music glamourizes certain topics, etc.)
  12. well, when i was listening to lana del rey at 13 i didn't think of it as daddies, drugs, & old men... i just liked the music & i thought she was a very interesting artist... & it didn't have any effect on the person i am today, but i will say discovering lana gave me the opportunity to appreciate a real, skilled artist, & led me to expanding my tastes in music! which i would say is a good thing!
  13. everybody thinks lana's music is just about being depressed, doing coke, & having sugar daddies & i find it so irritating that her music is perceived that way because it's so much more in-depth & meaningful, lana's music is perceived as a cheap tumblr aesthetic, i see jokes people make about how lana ruined their lives, or how lana makes music for girls with daddy issues or whatever it may be, & i think that's so generalizing & harmful, i listen to lana's music & i probably will still be listening to her when i'm old, & i honestly don't want people to look at me a certain way because i do, i think people say those things about certain records & songs (aka & ultraviolence) because they are misinformed, or they don't understand the music, i think aka features some of her most uplifting music, & yes, she does explore dark topics on that record, such as drugs & dependency, but i think it's great that she talks about these things because people will be able to relate to it & find comfort from her work, maybe some people don't realize that singing about certain topics is not the same as promoting or glamorizing them, even if it's talked about in a glamorous way, maybe it's because lana's just a glamorous person i also think it comes from a place of stigma, especially pertaining to depression & "daddy issues", especially when it's regarding a woman, there's a lot of stigma around her work & i think it's unfortunate the way a lot of people see it, i know not everybody has malicious intentions when describing what her work is like or her audience, but i feel like a lot of people nowadays just say shit & don't even think about what they're saying, & i think the rise of social media has made this a lot worse
  14. anybody who's said this HAS NOT listened to her music, & i seriously believe that, there's no way you could actually delve into your discography & think that all of her music sounds the same, people also say that because they're all "sad" or they're all about the same things (which also isn't true) even though a lot of other singers are the exact same way, they have a certain style of music & they sing about a lot of the same things, it's just another thing they say to criticize her
  15. as weird as it kinda sounds when you really think about it, i think the reason why women call themselves "girls" in music because it just sounds like a more appealing word than "woman", "woman" sounds a bit formal & girl sounds more "cutesie" & maybe relatable to younger audiences, & it just sounds more "casual", if that makes sense? i can see why it's a little weird when the singer is in fact a woman, especially if she's older, at the end of they day i don't think it's something to think too much about because it's just song lyrics, "girl" is also very easy to rhyme which is probably why it's used way more often, and lana is a girl, if you thinking of girl in the sense of "female", i'm still quite young (above 18) but i still think of myself as a "girl" hopefully this made sense
  16. ldr9 will be released in the first half of 2022, mark my words prolific queen
  17. thirty? not ambitious enough, she's going to release ONE HUNDRED
  18. manifesting 10-minute mike dean/emile haynie psychedelic BANGERS
  19. because apparently it's cool & funny to hate nikki lane on lanaboards
  20. a little while ago he posted an instagram story on a subway tagging mike dean, saying he was on his way to his studio...
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