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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. Yea I think it might be the same it’s like a black and white country club with some cars parked at the front and LANA DEL REY in Ultraviolence font written at the top - am I a clown? Lol


    I’m sorry I don’t know how to post pictures here


    usually you can copy an image and post it here, or you can save the image to your device, upload it to an image sharing website such as imgur or imgbb, copy the image, and upload it here


    but yeah that sounds fanmade, i'd be shocked if the cover leaked already.

  2. which (comfirmed) lizzy grant videos (music videos/shows) are we missing? 


    as far as i know, we're missing:


    queen of the gas station video

    smarty video 

    trailer park video with reeve carney

    live show at the bitter end, 2007

    pin up galore live at mercury lounge 

    pin up galore and yayo live at arlene's grocery


    is there is more footage that i haven't listed here that we can comfirm is missing? 

  3. Omfg I can’t believe some of you still wish for old ass unreleased songs that leaked years ago to be magically reworked and put on a new album with a whole new concept of theme even though Lana’s consciousness has evolved immaculately ... it’s kinda cute honestly lol


    i'll never understand the thought process behind people who really think that lana would add songs such as "serial killer" and "queen of disaster" to her new albums. i usually see this outside of lanaboards and it's so obnoxious. they could at least come up with something different and talk about literally any other unreleased song besides serial killer, queen of disaster, you can be the boss, and yes to heaven. 

  4. I walk into the thread and we're talking about Joe B*den oh no



    this is the funniest post i've ever seen on this website, no joke


    also what did Lena Dunham do? i don't follow pop culture


    i don't know everything about lena dunham, but i do know she made some really weird comments about touching her baby sister's private areas when she (lena) was seven, also something about putting rocks in her sister's vagina, also bribing her sister with candy for kisses. also masturbating in the same bed as her sister.


    and also claiming she wishes to have an abortion just to say she had one??? something along those lines, not exactly sure what she said.

  5. i feel like this is more important than Lana's little spiel 


    so what, she didn't speak exactly perfect in a PC way to fit someone's agenda. she's not racist at the end of the day


    joe biden on the other hand..... is a racist asshat. he used Obama to get his name somewhere, then he goes and says this shit. I hate him just as much as I hate Trump and as much as I hated Hillary. 


    the US is still shitty and what's sad is it's not shocking that black people are still being killed by cops. the fact that it's NOT SHOCKING. to be able to say that.... fuck


    i'm really disappointed in the fact that this is the first election i'll be able to vote and i probably won't even vote because i really dislike them both... i would vote for bernie if he was still running. 

  6. i don't know if this is unpopular or not, but i don't really understand why some people categorize lana as 'whisper pop' and credit her for its gradual popularity throughout the 2010s. imo her voice, while not gaga's, ariana's, or mariah's, is very expressive and not at all like billie, selena, etc who use the whisper pop.


    i know this is just me being elitist or whatever but i am always a little bothered by people categorizing lana with people like melanie martinez, billie, and halsey. she's very different from them and i feel like lana's music is more mature. 

  7. The cover is gonna be an unflattering selfie

    Anyways I was hoping for a more psych/dreamy vibe to this album, but I’m sure it’ll just be Jack and his ukulele again


    i don't see why jack and a ukulele would be necessarily bad. i actually think this is going to be a really great album and a title like that definitely has a lot of potential for a really experimental, psychedelic, surfy sound. 

  8. I am so sure she is mostly talking about Kim Gordon.


    "The extract read: “Today we have someone like Lana Del Rey, who doesn’t even know what feminism is, who believes women can do whatever they want, which, in her world, tilts toward self-destruction, whether it’s sleeping with gross old men or getting gang raped by bikers. Equal pay and equal rights would be nice. Naturally, it’s just a persona. If she really truly believes it’s beautiful when young musicians go out on a hot flame of drugs and depression, why doesn’t she just off herself?”




    i think it's so disgusting to me that she really had the audacity to say "her idea of feminism is getting gangraped" who would say such a thing about another person? that's really gross and unsettling to me. sure, she doesn't have to like lana, and she doesn't have to like her art, that's her opinion. but that comment really disturbs me, i don't really know who kim gordon is but now whenever i see her name or hear about her, all i'm going to think about is this. 

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