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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. i'm so excited to see what this upcoming era is going to look like, now i'm really hyped for it. i can't wait to hear a more honest, raw, unapologetic lana again. i actually feel confident that she will drop the album this year at least, it seems as though she's been more honest and she's also been on social media a lot more often. i feel like she's very confident right now. 

  2. if you think anything she said was racist, you totally missed the point. i do agree that namedropping them was not the smartest move, but she didn't mean in a negative or critical way, she named a few female artists who have been successful in their musical careers, and why she should be able to sing about whatever she wants to sing about without scrutiny, nothing more, nothing less. 


    wait about a week or two and mostly everyone will forget about this and move onto the next controversy, cancel culture is so toxic and majority of the time it never does anything. 


    anyways i'm so happy that lana is taking her power back. she should be able to sing about whatever she wants, it's her art, and she shouldn't have to feel afraid to do so. 

  3. Realistically, how many unreleased songs are we missing? I mean, there's only so much she could have recorded, right?


    the "songs we dont have" thread should give a general idea, however that is mostly stuff that is comfirmed/rumored to be real and doesn't account for things nobody knows about yet, and/or stuff that hasn't got in any one's hands yet. we didn't know about songs such as serene queen, dreamgirl, bad boy, freak like me, until they leaked or we got snippets, it's hard to say for sure how many songs we're missing but there's definitely still stuff out there. i think a user here said that there is about 50 tracks circulating. 

  4. I want her to do a song where she really talks about the things she’s seen in Hollywood. She’s hinted at a lot. When she talked about Hope Is A Dangerous Thing, she lowkey confirmed she had seen some fucked up shit regarding sexual abuse and the casting couch. And then I remember that interview where they asked her about Harvey Weinstein and she just awkwardly said “I’d say he was flirtatious...” then got real quiet.


    I hope this isn’t coming across as inappropriate but I’d be curious to know hear (at least vaguely) what she’s seen and gone thru.


    i'm also someone who is curious about what happens in hollywood, i'ts no secret that it's a crazy place. as long as she doesn't get into trouble or danger, i'm here for lana talking more about it. i feel like she's one of the few celebrities that i trust aren't involved in any serious, fucked up shit. but then again she is a celebrity, who has had her controversies (harvey weinstein...) i like to give her the benefit of the doubt i guess. 

  5. wonder who the Bartender was. it’s such a cute song about escaping the eyes of the press and spending time with a guy. And I 1000% believe it’s a true story. Cause she said she was seeing someone for a while and no one knew.


    He was probably just some rando.


    And also what was the deal with Chase? They were together for a couple months, no?


    her and chase were together for some time before nfr was released but i don't know exactly how long. according to one of lana's friends, their relationship was pretty rocky, and they kept their relationship private, she never really posted any photos with him, but i think she may of posted this photo on her story, i don't really remember.



  6. I don't like 'Burning Desire', I'm someone that lives for the Lana's low vocals, but there's something about this song I've just never enjoyed.


    i agree, it's boring, i feel like it had a lot more potentinal production wise, it feels watered down. which is the same issue i have with everybody's favorite lfl song, cherry.

  7. the mall of america (which is the largest mall in the united states) is reopening on june 1st and i honestly think it's too soon. ironically i'm also excited because i wanna go shopping so bad so in a way i'm happy about it. 

  8. we both know that it's not fashionable to love me

    but you don't go 'cause truly there's nobody for you but me




    idol of roses, iconic soul, i know your name

    lead me to war with your brilliant direction

  9. i feel like my perspective on this whole thing has changed somewhat, i personally wouldn't feel comfortable sharing such intimate parts of my life, but if lana feels comfortable sharing it, then i think that's alright. she didn't flat out say "i hate my mother and here are all of the awful things she's done to me".

  10. i think some people are forgetting that parent/child relationships are rarely stagnant and just because lana's feeling disdain towards her mother now, doesn't mean she always has. there's times where they probably get along great, and some times where they do not. 

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