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Dark Angel

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Posts posted by Dark Angel

  1. i'm just shocked at the fact that there are people out there, running fanpages with thousands of followers, who had the audacity to say something that was obviously rude and insensitive enough for lana to declare them fake, in a groupchat they put her in. this is so strange and confusing to me. i don't know how to feel. 

  2. lana unfollowing ariana grande isn't even that big of a deal and shouldn't make her look worse. she has no obligation to follow anyone and for all we know they could of had an argument of sorts. 

  3. She unfollowed honeymouns on insta as well, even though they aren't even a part of that gc apparently. Wtf is going on


    i mean, it makes more sense considering he's one of the most well known leakers/sources for other leaks.

  4. Don´t worry.



    I already said it before and I say it again.

    ALL artists and musicians are a little crazy.   NOT Mentaly "insane"  but rather just think out-of-the-box.

    Some of them have high IQ´s and its dificult for some people to understand their thoughts or comments or ideas.

    What they say , usually has a long back-story to it.

    If you dont know what they are talking about,  or the back-story behind it, most people will think your "crazy".


    I too think Lana is a little crazy. She would probably say the same thing about me too   :teehee:   


    i'm sorry but this is not her "thinking out of the box" or "having a high iq" she's going off on her own loyal devoted fans and posting a bunch of questionable shit on the internet. we don't know why so we can't assume she's doing it for no reason but this isn't funny or quirky. she's obviously unwell.

  5. this whole debacle has really got me thinking about her past two records. i'm thinking that maybe lana wasn't being truly authentic, she felt like she had to play it safe. i do think lana could make an album for her fans, or an album about happiness and her journey to find it, while still remaining as brutally honest and raw like we all know she can be. i feel like some songs, such as cherry, in my feelings, heroin, and california have some sense of raw honesty and risktaking, but there is a good chunk of songs that are very tame. it's like as if lana doesn't feel like she's allowed to be vulnerable, angry, submissive, sexual, whatever it is she wants to express. it's really sad that she felt like she had to change her style of writing and self expression because people are so harsh. hopefully this is a sign she is not going to hold anything back. her ability to be unapologetically raw, honest, and even scandalous is what makes her unique. 


    and can i take a second to rant about how many people are making jokes about what her music is about and how people perceive her. i've seen SO many comments talking about how lana only sings about sugar daddies and drugs which anyone who actually listens to her music knows that isn't even true. i even see this coming from stans, and i hate how even people who are FANS take the songs that have gotten me through hard times and made me feel understood, and boil it down to old men and cocaine. and this is exactly what she is complaining about in her post, this girl couldn't be submissive or vulnerable without people saying she was anti-women and romantizing abuse. i understand that she may come off as codependant, and passive, but she should have every right to express how she feels.

  6. according to an inside sorce, the album will be much more in the vain of ultraviolence and aka, more heavy guitars and weird synths etc, she has apparantly met up with dan and emile for this


    where did you read this? if so i hope it's true, two of her best albums in one! 

  7. i just hope this blows over eventually, it might not be tomorrow, or next week, but eventually.


    i'd really hate seeing mindless hate comments months from now, it makes me feel sad when i see so much negativity. and this isn't going to change the fact that she's still my favorite musician, i'm still going to continue to listen to her music. 

  8. this entire situation is just making me sad at this point. i've been trying to defend her this entire time, and nothing was wrong with the message she was trying to give out, but she did word it pretty badly. 


    but i do think it's a little funny seeing stan twitter act as if anything they do has any signifigance because we all know that's not true


    i just feel really gross and bad. she should of never posted it at all, or atleast she should of worded it different to make it a lot more clear what she was trying to say. 

  9. An honest question: She wrote "I'm not not a feminist". What if what she meant is that she's not "not-feminist"?

    English is not my official language and reading her post, more than once, I had this other interpretation. There is a double negation in her sentence.


    it's a double negative, it's just a more complicated way of say "i'm a feminist" without actually saying it. she is not a non feminist.

  10. the amount of people who really think she was trying to drag these artists is both equally astounding and saddening. 


    the way she went about this was shakey, yes, but do people not know how to read and comprehend? 


    so glad i am able to think for myself, form my own opinions and not blindly follow the opinions of a bunch of random 14 year old stans

  11. i was just thinking about how at one point "without you" was my all time favorite lana del rey song, and i remembered how i related to it at one point, i mean, it was because i had a HUGE crush on this boy from my school that i had actually never spoken to  :toofloppy: but 16 year old lemonadeheavens was really infatuated and having a lot of feelings! i don't think it was unhealthy for me, it helped me understand my feelings and i guess i do relate to lana a lot. i understand why lorde thought it was codependent but those are real feelings people have and she should be able to express it. i'm glad i had that song during that time lol. 

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