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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  1. she also made it a point that AKA isn't her best work and anybody who thinks so is wrong... she did say she liked mermaid motel, yayo, and put me in a movie though (while also pointing out that it's controversial and polarizing in the fanbase )
  2. they are so lucky and iconic for having a cute heart text symbol in their username
  3. yep every once in a blue moon somebody makes an account and posts scat porn all over the website, it's been happening for YEARS
  4. whenever i think of the lana cult on tiktok i think of @cancermoon one of the scat troll's many accounts because they have the same profile pic/meme oh, yeah @Heaux scat is still a thing here if you're wondering
  5. we're gonna need @sparklrtrailrheaven and @Super Movie's input
  6. not gonna lie when i first read the title of this thread i was tempted to just reply "because people are fucking tasteless" and just leave it at that
  7. there's a lot of people on social media nowadays, mostly young people, who somehow think her lizzy grant days were problematic/traumatic for her for no reason, they claim that she was a prostitute, living in poverty because she was living in a trailer park, being groomed, or addicted to drugs, i'm actually a massive fan of the lizzy grant era and AKA is my #1 favorite album of all time, so clearly i'm very biased towards AKA and the music she made during that time for what it's worth, a lot of people here really like AKA and it seems like the lizzy grant era in general has become more popular here in the past few years, i honestly don't have any social media really so i really don't know for sure what people feel about AKA, i feel like some people may prefer lana's mainstream major-label albums because they do sound quite different compared to AKA, AKA isn't nearly as cinematic or luscious sonically, it's a completely different feel, people are allowed to like what they like, but my issue is people acting like it's wrong to listen to it because they claim it's problematic i actually was watching a video yesterday of somebody showing off their vinyl collection and all they could really say about AKA was that it was "camp" and i honestly felt a bit offended because it seems like "camp" is just a code-word for "bad", AKA is genuinely a masterpiece, not ironically, not in a campy way, GENIUNELY, SERIOUSLY a masterpiece
  8. pink champagne, madly, and everything may jailer <3
  9. i had lady gaga, katy perry, and kesha CDs when i was little, i also had the victorious album/soundtrack lol!
  10. neil needs to get his scanner running so he can share these outtakes
  11. 1. yayo 2. off to the races 3. heroin 4. a&w 5. cruel world 6. wildflower wildfire 7. venice bitch 8. ride 9. white dress 10. the blackest day
  12. you do have a good point that what we consider to be paradise outtakes did have a different sound/theme, it did seem very 50s/60s inspired and seemed like a more straight-forward continuation of born to die, as opposed to the more cinematic, esoteric, religious feel of paradise we have, but i feel like maybe she could've just been recording a lot of stuff with a variety of different themes/sounds and ended up going with something more cinematic and esoteric, we've known about body electric since the summer of 2012, she even performed it more than once before the release of paradise, she also mentioned gods and monsters a few months before the release of paradise, and who knows how early on the demo of cola was recorded also, TV in black and white, hollywood's dead, and what's a girl to do are all from 2011 and are more likely to just be born to die outtakes, i don't think she revisited them for paradise
  13. i totally forgot about dayglo reflection, that one's my favorite
  14. no, if you're referring to the fact that lana claimed she was 17 when she wrote it, i highly doubt that's true, she also claimed to have written axl rose husband when she was 16 which is definitely not true, it seems most likely that she wrote it between december 2005 - may 2006 (it first appeared on myspace in may 2006, so the sirens album itself could've been fully completed in that timeframe as well)
  15. my favorite collab might be prisoner, riverside is a great choice as well
  16. Dark Angel

    Miranda Sings

    ...sometimes it's just better to step away from the computer
  17. Dark Angel

    Miranda Sings

    i believe they're pertaining to all of the news coming out about how much of a creep colleen is
  18. personally i would just listen to the songs/projects in order, some of the songs off of young like me and from the end ended up on sirens, so i would just listen to the songs exclusive to those EPs first young like me 1. blizzard 2. you, mister 3. there's nothing to be sorry about 4. more mountains 5. in wendy from the end 1. for you 2. wait and then i'd listen though the sirens album they all can be found on @That Venice Bitch's masterpost under "pre-ldr/covers" https://thatvenicebitch.wixsite.com/missdaytona
  19. i would love to know more about the 2004-2006 period of time of her life/music career as well, it's still pretty mysterious and we still don't know much about it, and i don't believe lana has ever mentioned sirens or any 2005/2006 songs besides pawn shop blues (even though the final version is from 2008) it would be fascinating to know more about some of the sirens tracks, i can't imagine that lana completely forgot about them or just simply wouldn't want to talk about them, but she was only 20/21 when she recorded sirens, so maybe something from when she was so young just doesn't feel relevant at all to her? but the sirens songs are so good i really hope we get more material from her may jailer days, imagine if we got a song from 2004, since she was already playing the guitar when she was 18, which would've been 2003, i wouldn't be surprised if she recorded a lot more material during that time, but i also can't imagine it's likely that people out there have pre-2007 material, it just feels especially elusive and we're lucky to have sirens, young like me, and from the end honestly
  20. it must be a wild concept to some people that lana could be everywhere on the planet at one moment, and that lana can't accommodate for every single fan she has, they should be grateful that she's even performing at all, she doesn't have to, and they can always watch the concert online if they can't make it, obviously that doesn't compare at all to actually being there at the concert... but it's like you said, life goes on...
  21. you seem to be arguing that the reason why fans may prefer a demo version over a released version is because of some sort of unconscious bias or some sort of psychological effect, i'm sorry but that premise is really silly and at the end of the day it isn't that deep, sometimes people just like what they like, especially if the demo version is quite different from the released version, somebody preferring the demo version of the next best american record doesn't feel that way because they're unconsciously biased, it's because the demo version has qualities that they prefer, we all have unique, individual tastes, and while our tastes may be influenced by a lot of different factors, i just think there's no good reason to psycho-analyze why we like the music we do
  22. do you just simply have a problem with people liking lana's unreleased songs/demos? because between this thread and the conversation that took place in the lust for life album process thread, it honestly seems like you do
  23. somebody preferring a demo version isn't a case of a "syndrome"... they just happen to prefer it, even if you may not understand why, does just simply preferring a demo/different version of a song mean you have some sort of weird psychological reason as to why? just let people like what they like, it isn't that deep
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