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Everything posted by Barry

  1. I hope it is more cohesive, I like how Born To Die, Paradise, Ultraviolence and Honeymoon all have kind of 1 vibe to them and you can listen to the album and create like a mood. Lust For Life you can't really as theres quite a mix of types of songs and they don't go together that well. I prefer albums in like 1 tone, so if you feel a certain way you can just play it all. Same, I bought this single though my first ever one. I feel dumb as well that I only ever buy digital albums and when I went on iTunes to buy this I noticed I only have LFL on there, the other ones I think I bought digitally on her website or somewhere else so I dont really own anything although I have them on my computer. I never even listen to them either I only use Spotify but I just like her to get the sale since she is my favourite and only person whos music I buy.
  2. It isn't a video though, remember she said "visuals" I think this is a newer thing people do now. As Youtube in like the past year have changed things musically and they now have album playlists and stuff that they organise themselves. So they are not real Music Videos, they are just a mix of pictures and clips and stuff - must be designed so people will watch instead of play a song and then click away and do other stuff, if people are watching then they are more likely to click on more of your stuff. If you go on youtube search "official visual" or "official visualizer" and you'll see loads of these type of "video" for songs like Young Thug and Lil Uzi Vert have them for most/all of their new songs.
  3. Self titled albums are the worst unless they are very personal songs I think. Whitney Houston and Beyonce have one and they didnt write any of the songs on them, I don't see the point in making it your own name if it's just random songs. If she ever released one called Lizzy Grant then it would be good if it was more of a Greatest Hits album of her more personal songs.
  4. Barry

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    He released a music video yesterday at the same time lol just noticed it there when I cicked on Trending videos on the Lana Video, shes 2nd and hes 5th.
  5. It might just be a thing people do now for youtube, rather than upload a song with just a picture you can make little clips so people will be more likely to watch them and stay on there or something without making an actual video for the song.
  6. It's not meant to be a video I don't think just 'visuals'. To look at if you are listening on youtube as Youtube Music is a thing now I think. Young Thug who im a fan of released an album like 3 weeks ago and he had visuals on his songs on youtube they were just videos of snakes. This is one...
  7. I was working, landscaping and I listened to it while working so it was possibly that which ruined it for me lol digging and shoveling dirt and stones and laying grass not what you want to be doing while listening to a relaxing chill album
  8. Good she cleared up that board line, I didnt know if it was bolt, board or boat
  9. I wonder if the line "Kiss the sky" was a little reference of Jimi Hendrix as well hinting at the upcoming electric guitar style songs.
  10. Honeymoon was her first album I bought and I never liked it although now 3 years later over the last year it's became my favourite.
  11. She said she was walking in venice with her boyfriend - I think going to his friends apartment at the time and he said something about how they were both broken and sad and thats how they were meant for each other but she disagreed with him and said she wasn't sad and why would he think that. I wonder who it was, probably Barrie James O'Neill? he always seems very depressed plus he lived in Venice I think so it would make sense if they walked from his apartment to "The Mariners Apartments" at Marina Del Rey? who knows though.
  12. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Florida Kilos always reminded me of them id like another song or 2 like that
  13. Im from the UK and I have only heard Lana on the radio twice in my life here and it was Love and Lust For Life last year just after they came out. By the time they play MAC I will have heard more Lana songs on the radio in 1 day than I have in 5 years lol
  14. Im Scottish and I cant stand English people rapping, thankfully nobody in Scotland raps we know our accents dont work for it but the English keep trying
  15. Its suspicious though, I felt they are wrote in the style of how she speaks. But like 90% of her online posts are more like "hey guys. i have 2 new songs coming w jack hope you like them"
  16. Agree, I find her writing on the internet to come across more like a 14 year old wrote it lol
  17. Let us be excited for more though I would like a little EP of more folky type chill songs similar to Paradise even if it was only 5 or 6 songs, I think that would suit it well as they're not the type of songs you can have on a longer album and you probably dont want a full album of those types of songs either.
  18. Yeah but they were on the albums, I can't think of any just single songs she has released and let be their own thing, I feel like all her songs are on albums apart from movie songs.
  19. He also must have worked in a bar, I wonder if the song "Bartender" would be about him... illegal_drvgsI spent at least a third of my life in Brooklyn at @lodgenyc . I’m heartbroken to learn of its closing. For someone with extreme social anxiety, that place really taught me how to interact with people. Thank you for some of the best memories of my life and for allowing me to meet some of the greatest people I’ve ever known.... including Grimace.
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