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Everything posted by EXODUS

  1. She had some OCD when talking about releasing her debut album, like she said: "I had sophomore album pressure on my debut album". Let's hope she can finally do release stuff for fun Am I missing something on the list I made?


    Biophilia is amazing, but I feel like she has made better. Check the albums you haven't listen to yet
  3. B-Sides (most likely): 1.- I'm Not Alright 2.- Pretty Dull 3.- One Man Show 4.- One Way to Heaven 5.- Home Sweet Home But I'm afraid it might only be 3 new songs + 2 Ghost songs or remixes. _______________________________________________________ Other registered songs (I know MOST won't be released during the "NTMT era" but likely given to another artist or perhaps reworked for another album or EP/released as a free download/mixtape): Ambulance American Dream (Sleeping with the Enemy) ^^ Amplified Cecil Diamonds Chain Reaction Cobra Dynamite (ASCAP, different additional writters) Dynamite State ^ First Base ^ Gloves Hallucination (Given to Coco Morier, released by her) ª Hollywood Slime Home Sweet Home Hot Chick (Also known as "Untouchable") ^^* Lick My Twit (Might be different to "Suck My Twit", reworked as "Livin' My Love", released by Steve Aoki) ^ Lolita ^^ Love Is a Drug My Molly 2.0 (ASCAP) ª Not Alright (most likely "I'm Not Alright") Older Men One Way to Heaven Paper Doll ^ Pretty Dull Rancid Girl Sick of You Super Girl (ASCAP) Teen Witch and Werewolves (Original "Werewolf" title along with "Werewolf (From Waist Down)" ) ª Too Many Boys ^ Touch and Go ^ Touch Me (ASCAP) Watcha Gonna Do ^^ NOTE: All these songs are registered on BMI, except the ones noted as ASCAP. LEAKED: ^ RELEASED: ª SNIPPET: * Not registered songs: As Mean as You Bleach Breaking Away ª Broadway Life for Me Catch Me If You Can ª Cherry Bomb Choke C'est La Mort Ditch That Bitch Do Me ª Elevator Femme Fatale Flirt Go Home ª God Bless Great Mistake Had Enough of You Heartbeat How Does It Feels I Want Blood ª Kiss and Tell ª Let's Get High ª Look at You (Given to Coco Morier) Mariah Carey 2.0 Money (He's Got It) Ms. Bluebeard My Space New New New New (Unconfirmed title) ª Nip Tuck ª On the Wire One Man Show ª Overplayed Robotics Scars Sakura Night Shiny Toy Song 1 (Unconfirmed title) ª Swamp Girl Take It Slow (feat. Cory Enemy) The Outside ª Touch the Sky What If Love Was a Stranger? ª Wild at Heart With You in My Head SNIPPET: ª Cover: Almost Lover (A Fine Frenzy cover) Animal (Miike Snow cover) [Final and Silk Road Remix] Bang Bang (Cher cover) Blue Jeans (Lana del Rey cover) I Will Always Love You (Whitney Houston's rendition of Dolly Parton's song) Gennie in a Bottle (Christina Aguilera) God Bless the Child (Billie Holida cover, Sky version titled as "God Bless") Happy Dre (Happiness is a Warm Gun; The Beatles cover) My Molly (Ariel Pink cover, released as My Molly 2.0 by Sky and Ariel) Stand Back (Stevie Nicks cover) [Final and Skeet Skeet Big Room remix] Wish I Stayed (Ellie Goulding cover) [Final and Demo] You Lost Me (Christina Aguilera) Collaborations: Bang Bang (by 2CELLOS) Black (by G-Dragon) Fucked from Above 1985 (by The Bloody Beetroots) [Final and Demo] Take It Slow (by Cory Enemy) Teen Lovers -The Shoes Remix- (by The Virgins) Without Lies (by Aeroplane) [Final and Breakbot remix] The Woods (by White Arrows) [unreleased] Given to Other Artists: Ambulance (Coco Morier) Hallucination (Coco Morier) ª Journey to the Center of the World (Coco Morier) Livin' My Love (Steve Aoki) ^ Look at You (Coco Morier; unreleased) ^ Voodoo (Kylie Minogue, yet to be released) Sky Versions LEAKED ^ SNIPPET ª Demos of Released Songs: Everything is Embarrassing Ghost ª Lost in My Bedroom One Obsession (not sung by Sky) Sex Rules! Traces 108 ª 17 SNIPPET: ª Unreleased Remixes: American Dream (GregCookeMusic Remix) 17 (Cory Enemy Remix)
  4. 17 Live Great voice, MQ Ok voice, HQ 108 Live Werewolf, One Man Show, The Past Recedes (John Frusciante cover) Live


    You don't know HOW STUPID I feel now for writting "Dancer in the Dark" instead of "Selmasongs" Give it a shot It's cool, but first watch the movie, ok? Medúlla is a great album, but it falls into the same category as Volta, DR9 and Biophilia, none of them are easy for the ear or mainstream.


    Debut: 7/10 Post: 9/10 Homogenic: 9.5/10 Dancer in the Dark: 8/10 Vespertine: 10/10 Medúlla: 7/10 Drawing Restraint 9: 2/10 (Only like "Storm/Nameless") Volta: 7/10 Biophilia: 8/10


    Are there any Florrie leaks? Have never seen at least one song leaked.
  8. I really do like it, such a shame that Sky doesn't. I get that she didn't write it and she doesn't like it because it's not hers and doesn't feel as hers, but is good tho. I wish Sky didn't ditch her past releases (but One) because they are good! I don't even get why she had to delete 17 and As If! I can only hope and pray for a re-release of As If! including One, Obsession and 17 (Man... I'd kill for lossless 17, that's the only one I'm missing). But to be honest, I'd prefer her label (or even her) to release her shelved albums (even if it's a digital only release)
  9. I just hope that As If! gets re-released, maybe with some cool surprises I know it's not Sky's style anymore, but hell the girl wrote the tracks and she had fun with them, none of them are Obsession.
  10. I know There must be a demo OR at least Sky vocals in the final track!!! And there's also this Special Edition bonus track: 13."Sleeping with the Enemy" 3:54 Writters: Minogue / Claude Kelly / Greg Kurstin Producer: Kurstin
  11. Didn't know Sky wrote a song for Kylie's new album until I saw this tweet... fail. Sky Ferreira Fan Fic ‏@SkyFanFic 4 de feb. "So happy to make the cut for Kylie's album," Sky tweets to fans, relieved. "Thanks to my Japanese fans for being the only ones who care." Japanese bonus track 14. "Voodoo" Written by: Magnus Lidehäll Sky Ferreira Minogue Produced by: Bloodshy I wonder if she recorded a demo for it or if she does back-vocals.
  12. EXODUS


    what the... .-.
  13. EXODUS


    Can someone please rip the audio of this one? http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01d8983 I can't watch it, I need the HQ audio on my iPod <3
  14. EXODUS

    Charli XCX

    Hi Born to Die Thank you so much <3 Sorry for taking that long to reply, I was at school, can you please send me the 6 tracks Album Sampler? and 14 as well And for the format, it doesn't matter as long as it's lossless, but I prefer Apple Lossless because the size is smaller yet the quality is the same (plus I can add it and play it on iTunes and my iPod) Please
  15. EXODUS

    Charli XCX

    Nothing spectacular, it's a cool track Guys, can someone of you please send me a link for Charli's album sampler and 14 in lossless please?
  16. Someone knows why Sky covered "Stand Back" by Stevie Nicks? I know she likes the song/artists, but it was for something? I don't know why but I feel like it was going to be on her debut 2010 album or released as a single... we even have an official remix haha. Any info guys?
  17. EXODUS


    Sadly Ellie has a huge fan base and it's worldwide known for 2 critically acclaimed albums (not counting the different international releases and re-releases) and a few hits, while Foxes is "new", we can't compare her with Ellie. Foxes has a huge hit which people relate (obviously) more with Zedd, Foxes just provided the vocals (I even thought she wrote the track or at least helped with it, but for my surprise she didn't... and a bigger surprise is that Skylar Grey co-wrote it! I'd lot have a cover by her or a demo or something). Foxes has EVERYTHING to become the next huge thing fron the UK and I know she will release a great album, it all depends on how good the promo is for it. Leaks can be helpful for a new artist, people work hard to get money and they want to make sure if an album is good enough before buying it, leaks might help. Sadly, Leaks WEEKS before the actual release are very harmful for the fans, the artists and the potential buyers and new fans.
  18. EXODUS


    I know... maybe it wasn't a good idea to push back the release date :/ Either way she's going to sell great Many people will get curious about her leaks and will check her music out and they will realize how good it is and will pre-order or buy the album right away
  19. EXODUS


    Thanks It's a really good song! I'm excited the most for Count the Saints, let's see if it's magestic as I think it is.
  20. EXODUS


    God... Night Glo leaked https://soundcloud.com/tilmyheartstopsbeating/foxes-night-glo Can someone confirm if this one is the final version or just a demo, please?
  21. EXODUS


    Amazing Thank you very much!
  22. EXODUS


    The release date change Thank you!
  23. EXODUS


    Not quite, Purchased iTunes Plus files sure has the highest quality of lossy files, but it's not lossless by any means. Does it sound as good as lossless? I could say yes because most people won't recognize the difference by ear, but it's not accurate to say it's basically the same. I tried to get my favorite music in lossless (FLAC or WAV converted to Apple Lossless) but the rest of my music is Purchased iTunes Plus if available in the store, my second choice is 320 kbps MP3.
  24. EXODUS


    Yes, the signed one Happened the same as Sky Ferreira's "As if!" EP... but I believe she was the one who asked for it to be removed its a good EP tho. I found a lossless rip of Warrior and I was a little afraid it was a transcode but I guess it's real... It's just the tracks don't reach the 22.1 kHz but well, some music don't reach it yet the files are lossless.
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