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Everything posted by Vulnicura

  1. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    I hope the video for BIOYL drops soon I wonder what the monologue will be like SO EXCITED AHHHH i bets it gonna be real cute. I fucking love seeing her all in love and shit!
  2. Vulnicura

    Kim Petras

    OMG, this song is hitting me differently. Declaring this my favorite of the new songs so far
  3. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    thanks for reminding me this historical piece exist. going to play it now
  4. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    I hope WM is coming. I haven't listen to the leak and it's gonna stay like that. I listened to BIOYL leak and I really am enjoying the updated and official release but I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I hadn't listen to it. Also agree CTMP is a classic! Hope it sees the day of light.
  5. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    Happy BDay boo <3 stay safe and have fun
  6. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    bad? i mean i guess coming from someone who listens to a lot of Allie X. its unsurprising that they can't recognize good music when they hear it since over half of Allie's music is trash (jk i love her music im just being petty ) but for real, these songs are fun and amazing. the production has surprises and the lyrics are cute. you are right though, her entire discography is impeccable.
  7. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    1999 was/is such a bop omg Remember that one? Stream it alongside her new BOP BIOYL
  8. Vulnicura

    Kim Petras

    CAN"T GO TO SLEEP AT NIGHT 2(or 1?) more day(s)
  9. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    Its 3AM depression hours and i CAN"T stop thinking about a Charli XCX tour with a budget. Like how would it be? the visuals, the costumes, the set list, the merch, the guest appearances, PLEASE ATLANTIC, make it happen. please come to San Antonio Texas my queen! so I don't have to drive an additional hour to Austin
  10. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    the best remix of 1999! same i hope so too. i have no idea bout the radio dates but i hope promo gets more intense after the music video is released
  11. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    I hope we get remixes of BIOYL while we wait for the next single. Also, I still can't believe an ATAP remix is one of her popular spotify songs The power of Tik Tok im assuming. I find the original superior but to each their own. Reminder to shazam BIOYL
  12. My brother is pretty local and hears to just about anything. I was surprise when he put her record when we went out to Sprouts market. Glad she is getting new fans
  13. Vulnicura


    Nightmare is so good! Can't remember the last time she put out something i enjoyed. Hoping for more of this for her 3rd album
  14. Vulnicura

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    still can't believe she made something better than E-MO-TION. Thought that was going to be her magnum opus for me.
  15. never heard of her but like what im hearing
  16. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    BIOYL is finally one of her top popular spotify songs We did it! Now I can rest. seriously hate how little attention its getting though so i hope it picks up when the video is released like it happened with 1999. it started out slow too! my friends enjoy the song.
  17. Vulnicura

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    BRAVO! well done Carly. loving the new album
  18. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    i cant get over BIOYL. ITS SO GOOD i actually cried hearing it in my car omw home, i mean i have depression so maybe thats why LOLOL but for reals Lizzo laugh is so cute and she's just so uplifting
  19. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    THIS imagine, complaining about BIOYL slander while slandering Track 10 on a side note think i am in a bubble on Twitter because I didn't see much BIOYL slander. Aside from one person and that Pitchfork tweet someone quoted. Wish we didn't give a platform/attention to these type of negative posts. all the instagram thots i follow are praising it their stories
  20. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

  21. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    Looking at my booty like you dont know what to do
  22. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    yeah it sounds a little off to me but i think its because track 10 is my favorite song and i've heard that one literally over a thousand times but its a bop!
  23. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    she sounds so happy, the popper crackhead gays better support her new venture or at least not trash it
  24. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    Googling who this "Christi and the queen" is
  25. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

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