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Everything posted by J.R.OMEGA

  1. This news excites me, but at the same time frightens me lol I've already preordered 6 versions of VBBOTG and ordering another version stresses me out financially. That said, I'd love an orange colored vinyl tbh
  2. It's been pulled for the time being. Speculation is they weren't officially available for preorder just yet, but Lana fans don't fuck around and probably flooded the preorders (I was one of them). They will probably be officially up soon along with the bundle editions
  3. Done @@YUNGATA - Thank you so much for doing this. I'm super excited to see the results
  4. Jesus H. Christ... now there are bundles. Ok,this trickle of release editions is killing me !!!! Might have to cancel my preorders and reorder them as bundles if cheaper. Gonna wait until something official gets shown tho. Thank you for everyone doing God's work and searching out all of these different versions
  5. I've preordered a single copy of every version available (excluding the supposed cassette edition) or any other versions that get released.
  6. https://store.universalmusic.com/lanadelrey/*/*/Violet-Bent-Backwards-Over-The-Grass-Cream-Vinyl-STORE-EXCLUSIVE/6L480000000 How did you find a link directly to the cream edition? If you go to the main Lana store on their website there is no cream edition shown. This could have saved me $8 in additional shipping costs
  7. Haha totally the same. Lana has a strange power over me. I seemingly make it rain everytime she releases something new
  8. Ok, I have now also ordered the cream colored vinyl edition as well. Jesus, I'm Lana poor at this point. There is news of a cassette edition, but I'm holding out until it's been confirmed
  9. What Universal store are they referring to I wonder. I bought my versions from the Universal store website and a cream colored vinyl wasn't an option
  10. So I've preordered every version available before anything sells out. I had to preorder the CD, standard vinyl with picture sleeve and the vinyl picture disk from her Universal Music store because the links to her official website store didn't actually show the products available to order. The audiobook and hardcover book are both preordered on Amazon. Super boosted we're getting so many release options (in typical LDR fashion), my bank account hates it though. I do kinda wish the releases were closer together tho, but that too is typical LDR fashion as well lol
  11. Thank you @@FredRed for the Cliffs Notes breakdown of the past few pages lol I can't keep up with all of the new conspiracies lol
  12. J.R.OMEGA

    Jessie Ware

    I think this is her best album yet. Her debut was pretty amazing, 2nd and 3rd were... ok, but WYP slayed me
  13. J.R.OMEGA

    Jessie Ware

    Just dropping in to say that Jessie Ware killed it on her new album, What's Your Pleasure? Laden with disco and 80s synth-pop, the gay man in me is in heaven
  14. I'm not holding my breath or counting my chickens before they hatch regarding a Sept release. This is Lana we're talking about lol She's my all time fave artist, but she's not the most punctual tbh. Also, the backlash she received from her IG post and subsequent IG BLM posts might derail her creative process and she might reevaluate everything by the time Sept rolls around. Plus, we're still waiting on Violet Bent to get released; it hasn't even dropped yet and she's already announced the follow-up to it. I'd kinda like Lana to just lay low for a bit. I mean, I'm still really enjoying NFR
  15. Would be interesting to know how long some peeps have been fans of Lana. I know there has to be some OG Lana fans on this forum.
  16. I'd like to be filled in on what Ajay said. Since she deleted the Tweet, would you mind sharing the screen shot?
  17. Lana's Americana album incoming lol. I was hoping for those 2 country-esque songs to get an official release. I highly doubt they ever will tho. That said, I am really looking forward to Lana's 'fuck you' album. I wouldn't mind an album with more angst than Ultraviolence
  18. Just reading the poem is bloody genius, but hearing Lana's calm, soothing voice is like some ASMR shit realness. I can't wait for this book to drop and the spoken word album too
  19. J.R.OMEGA

    Doja Cat

    Damn.. Doja come for Lana yesterday (tho I'm still confused on what Gang Sunk That Dunker even means in English), but that shit didn't end well for her today. Of course none of the Twitter Doja drama of today, has anything to do with Lana, but voodoo is in full effect apparently
  20. Not to derail this thread, but our perception is only within the context of our immediate history and learned experience. Throughout history gingers have been treated as lesser. There were times in Ancient Egypt when red heads were deemed evil and killed, or even sacrificed by being buried alive. During the 15th Century witch hunts, red headed women were burned at the steak because red hair was a sign of the devil. Nowadays we're just mocked by society as being soulless, dumb or backwoods hillbillies. I have always been enamoured with MIA's video for Born Free where gingers are hunted down and killed. Made shit really real for me to watch something like that. All of that said, there have also been times throughout history where gingers were hailed as special, unique and otherworldly. So just goes to show you that society's perception is forever changing and evolving.
  21. Tell me about it. Lived this truth my whole life
  22. Ariana is Italian and Camila is Cuban
  23. I can only get from this is that she referenced song lyrics about putting on jeans. Maybe my slang isn't up to par or something
  24. I didn't take Doja's comment as something bad. When you slam dunk, that's a good thing. To say Gang Sunk that Dunker, I take that as a multitude of slam dunks. Maybe I'm wrong tho
  25. Gonna have to search that interview out. It's not ringing a bell with me
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