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Everything posted by J.R.OMEGA

  1. Back a couple of pages (#3067) I gave my 2cents on who I think will debut at #1
  2. I haven't listened to them either, so you're not the only one
  3. Honestly, I'm expecting TOOL to get the #1 spot tbh. All of their albums have entered the top of the charts since they allowed them to be streamed. Last time I checked their new album, Fear Inoculum, is #1 on pre-orders for Amazon and it has held that #1 spot since it was announced. It's shown as the #1 pre-order album on iTunes (followed by Taylor of course). Lana isn't even shown in the top 8 pre-orders (which is all that iTunes shows on my dashboard) - I don't mind being wrong and I would fucking LOVE for Lana to take the top spot, but I think the expected #1 is TOOL
  4. Neil Krug has directed music videos before but apparently not since 2017 and none have been for Lana
  5. Guessing Chuck is really getting into filming music videos lately. Do we know who is shooting Lana's new video this weekend? Did the announcement give any details apart from it being a Grease theme?
  6. If you follow all the tags in her Insta vid, I believe it's a video for Swae Lee because she tagged MikeWillMadeIt and today he Tweeted a new Swae Lee song is coming this month. Just a guess, could be wrong tho
  7. Where has this page gone? 24hrs ago some album snippets seemed to be manna from heaven and now all I'm reading is like death, despair and giving up on Lana. Calm down folks, NFR hasn't even seen the light of day yet. The last emotion I'm feeling right now is that of being let down, like... I don't even get it. I skipped the snippets and right now I'm kinda glad I did, there is way too much dissection going on and the body of work isn't even on the table yet. Jesus H. Christ y'all
  8. You're not the only one; I'm holding off also. I want to savor the flavor of NFR as the album lays itself out in front of me on my first full listen through
  9. I'm sitting these snippets out. I want the full impact the first time I hear NFR. I've already heard the singles she's released along with the randon Insta track from yesterday and a new cover song on Friday I'm feeling pretty fed at the moment
  10. My order has been placed. The boxset is coming from France and is unopened and in mint condition. I'm soooo fucking excited for it to arrive
  11. No new versions of NFR have been announced since UO
  12. The consensus is yes that was the original one that Ben didn't like. Lana still got to use it as the UO limited edition cover
  13. The comments on Chuck's Insta are HORRIBLE !! I could never I'm not crazy at all about that particular cover (even though I know Lana love's it and Chuck shot it), but I would never say the things that some people said in the comments to Chuck. That shit is just extremely rude and uncalled for. I'll give my opinion of it here for sure, but not in a public forum such as Chuck's personal Insta account. Seriously some people are so uncouth
  14. I think the long hair is more Norman Rockwellesque tbh. Listen, the cover itself needed some tweaking in my honest opinion, but it's def better than the UO edition
  15. The longer hair is giving me life !! Love this tbh and after seeing the UO cover, I will most definitely be sticking with the official cover
  16. Totally didn't know this singles boxset existed, just had to purchase it in mint condition for my vinyl collection. I feel like such loser for not knowing about this boxset
  17. So... I was hoping that UO would offer a limited edition vinyl (though I didn't expect it to happen) in the hopes that it would be a saving grace from the actual album cover. I now regret asking for it I prefer the UO cover of Honeymoon, but this cover is just I'm guessing this was the first cove that she shot and Ben didn't like... I can't believe I'm about to say this, but THANK GOD Ben had her change it. It looks like some still shot from The Craft movie and doesn't reference the actual cover at all (not like previous UO covers) - Did I buy it, fuck yes I did, so now I'll have the green vinyl with a crazy chaotic cover, the blue vinyl with a single pic cover and the pink vinyl with a still shot from The Craft
  18. OMG I had no idea that Fred Red was on LBs !! F'ing mind blown, I thought I was the oldest fan on here. Nice to know Lana brings all the boys to the yard
  19. So I had ordered the blue vinyl from HMV with shipping to the States, but some peeps on here gave me the impression that they won't ship here (which explains why I didn't get charged for shipping), so I canceled that order and got it from Rough Trade. In the end I'll have the green vinyl with the atrociously busy cover and the blue single picture cover. Still wish we got a damn boxset this cycle for sure to add to my collection. Maybe UO will announce a limited version, but I'm not holding my breath. I think what's been announced is what were getting
  20. Ok, so I ordered the US neon green vinyl version from her US store (with the chaos visuals cover) and the HMV translucent blue vinyl from the UK (since the French and Australian stores would not ship to the US) - Hopefully the HMV one delivers to me in Florida because they gave me free shipping and I'm pretty sure that's not true because free shipping was only for UK orders. This shit has been so f'ing confusing esp since Lana's US store only offered the neon green vinyl with the chaos cover and not an option with the single picture cover. I swear for an American artist that prides herself on Americana, she certainly shat on her US fanbase this album cycle Fingers crossed I end up with vinyl editions with both covers
  21. Completely random, but listening to some recent unreleased tunes and Wild on You seems like a fitting track for NFR given it's all guitar driven and it's kinda got a slow rock feel. I know it's a UV outtake, but still tho... we are getting an official BAR on the new album, so a ginger can wish, plus she even mentions California in the last verse Ps. I like the cover without the comic book feel of the font much better now that the initial shock is wearing off
  22. So I get the iconic visual references such as Cali on fire in the background, she still has a vessel of some-sort (not a car, truck or van, but a boat) and the oil painted sky (representing Norman Rockwell painting) with the American flag flying. But the comic book font is killing me and the random dude (though I get that he's a famous actor's relative); he's got too much screen time on the front and back for my personal taste. Glad that BAR made the tracklist and I'm hoping that "IYC" makes it also and is just renamed. Doin' Time is a bit of a surprise since I was thinking it was only for the Sublime Doc and on its soundtrack.
  23. J.R.OMEGA

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Just hoping it lives up to the hype better than Anthem did, but yes super boosted for this game !!
  24. J.R.OMEGA


    I've been a stan for f'ing years. I replaced Azealia with Leikeli47 as my fave NY rapper awhile ago Classic and fresh all at the same time Sucks that Leikeli47 took down her vid for Bitch Switch; that song and video were DOPE !!
  25. Was anyone aware of this news? https://www.stereogum.com/2044536/lana-del-rey-moby-lizzy-grant-relationship/news/
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