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Everything posted by cognaclilac

  1. yeSSSSS where is her ronettes era??? i need this phil spector production
  2. girl i don't even know where i am and you want me to do MATH? goodbye we're all on our periods this only makes me think how the real housewives of echo park can not even think to buy the extensions packs on a photo editing app and i have to check my balance just in case $1 is the limit
  3. if her 12 y/o fans are out here regretting sex with a loser the morning after and trying to ignore that it ever happened because it doesn't align with their natural order of being better than that then we have other problems than this thread and i'll shall pray
  4. true when she triple posted that on her ig i was like '...you sure? ...okay'
  5. i literally only know him from that one ep of catfish how'd we get here
  6. i get what you mean i think the boards just like to exercise their resounding assumptions on the rest of us and therefore determine what each genre is and sounds like like the folk thing
  7. would be annoying to have someone else's vision on my album but
  8. y'all will appreciate IMF when you're of adult age and need to reevaluate shit then you'll get it bye
  9. does anyone have the goss on if she wrote all the music herself again?
  10. this is literally just FROOT acapella on top of WC backing track and vocals? this isn't a mashup? do y'all know what folk is or
  11. not fan of the coral on the shoulder but hey it's g u c c i
  12. cognaclilac

    Song vs. Song

    video games vs pawn shop blues
  13. Voglio che Trump pugno il mio buco del culo usando la ghiaia come lubrificante mentre lui vomita su di me
  14. lol i refuse to download any streaming service so here's my very outdated itunes top 25 played can't be bothered with my own habits right now https://imgur.com/a/5vN5Avb
  15. it's been five mins and NFR is already in post-release hate
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