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Everything posted by cognaclilac

  1. we need this country feeling NOW theres a time and place for this and the time is never and the place is nowhere bye uh come again?
  2. AH LITERALLY MEEE when i lived in philly and had to wait four years for her to come to a stadium with security instead of an outdoor arena where her tween fans will try to fight me does anyone know if a random ig user will be there and livestreaming? its like when she went to sxsw and one girl got into her private show and streamed for everyone that night.
  3. this is exactly what i said and i get no likes the hate for honesty around here is hot and heavy anyway she'll probably slide some info in at jack's thing because it makes the most sense but then we'll all sop up the well until it's dry again so who cares just drop the album
  4. this is exactly what i meant by '"everyone" is still up her ass about lfl being messy' for btd she had an array of songs to choose from to make for her 'debut' in addition to ones she composed for it so my point is that she now has to make new songs for each new album, can it be a reworking of a song she thought she would include somewhere else? sure but it's not going to be 'pawn shop blues' is it? no she was busy between honeymoon and lfl too? why wouldnt she be busy? and uv was reworked in two weeks when she met dan so time really doesnt mean anything if the album doesnt sound right to her. lfl involved so much more than just her so i'd imagine it took longer but she also added songs last minute so like the time argument doesnt really change anything about her making it for the fans. we all got a longer tracklist, collabs and more beats so why should she ever listen to us again when no one seems to be happy with it???
  5. she also had more time to put those together/had songs to choose from whereas now she's not going to back catalogue from 2007 for a new album also "everyone" is still up her ass about lfl being messy when she said she made it for the fans so y'all should be blaming yourselves with the lengths the quality and the leaks
  6. if y'all come at me one more time for saying something might be up, i'll sue
  7. it's been 2.5 months stfu i'm sure there's a reason for not saying anything that everyone will ignore when the album (if the album) comes out ew i'll pray for your spotify
  8. how mad would y'all be if yosemite is just a poem in her book lol
  9. what's happening what is this
  10. this is just releasing songs and then touring with said songs which is what i expect from a music artist but the main point i was discussing were visuals, not song releases i was speaking more along the lines that everyone wants her to say something whether it's the cover or her poetry book or who is interviewing her, that kind of promo. she'll release it when she wants to like she's always done as far as it's concerned to me. she also always has to deal with leaks and possible trouble when it comes to her so at this point it's like waiting to see what happens first and as with LFL that kind of ruined it all so i think she's not easy to conceptualize as 'traditional'.
  11. tbh i feel like most of y'all are being super unfair when in reality whatever she's gives us y'all are gonna masturbate to at some point so calm down also let's take a moment to think.. chuck is lana's sister so it's so much easier to have that connection and use it (i would too) and if lana likes them that's all that matters because it's her discography. also if chuck just takes a pic that she likes, why not use it? who cares what it's shot on when full blown movies are shot on iphones as well. and it's totally unfair to say she isnt visual anymore just because she's not reenacting the entire jfk assassination this era when she made an amazing video for Love. she had visuals that held a theme with LFL they just weren't pleasing to everyone (and changed somewhat during the release but her tour held it together didn't it?), like it had a strong 70s flare to it but the whole promotion of it was everywhere in general so it's going to bog down the visuals imo. she even said her own record company is pretty loose with her and don't really put a deadline for her albums and that if she has to mix eight months she will mix for eight months so why are we riding her to put something out? she's never been traditional in promotion imo so why start now? that being said, christmas is looking good this year ladies
  12. i thought lust for life would have been closer to the iggy pop album similarities in the album covers afterall
  13. guys should i go to west hollywood and just wait for lana to show up and ask about things?
  14. wow can't believe lana was the original soundclout rapper
  15. respect to your opinion i love the way it is, filter and vibe and all not sure why but it was always a gem to me
  16. the link isn't working, fix? tbh chuck def took this and this looks like she's about to enter miss arkansas i want something else last time lana went into the woods coachella came out
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