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Everything posted by Bekim

  1. Bekim


    Someone pm me , lesbayonce - beyoncé
  2. Bekim


    Can someone PM me , y know
  3. Bekim

    Britney Spears

    I fucking love perfume. It grew so fast
  4. EDWARD'S ASS AHEAD :edwardbutt: pls @@SitarHero , add this alsfdkjkfsdj
  5. Wow this makes me sad. A pornstar-looking guy writing Lana's songs. (He can be hot but he cant be a work of art) Im not believing it.
  6. Maybe because they know how hard is to get to the ~~ Black beauty
  7. Im literally producing x3 more testosterone (1 for the songs , 2 for that guy)
  8. At left https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1003112_10200996729313907_990158110_n.jpg SORRY COULDNT RESIST SAFDGJFDSkgljsakhdfjksghdkfjghssdsdfj
  9. Love it. I wish I had that cross
  10. Makes me sad that you cannot proceed Chris's flawlessness.
  11. Omfg Chris Crocker hairflip wasnt added Brb suicide
  12. Bekim

    Lady Gaga

    Fashion is my favorite @NA , btw where's your avatar from?
  13. Y U NO update dem godamn fucking smileys from Smiley request topic @SiterHero
  14. Bekim


    ^ lmao , I live in Kosovo. It's not even a video It's "LORDE PURE HEROINE" font and the music. Why did they do this?
  15. Bekim


    You're not missing anything.
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