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Everything posted by NamiraWilhelm

  1. I'm trying to get through the first game at the moment, I'm finding it so very repetitive :/ Not sure I'll keep at it tbh... are all the games like that or do they improve it? How long has it taken you? Some people are saying it's ten hours long, hopefully they just rushed through it Now I'm on Dishonored, really enjoying it! Like, playing it until my eyes are in agony. That's the sign of a good game.
  2. NamiraWilhelm

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    I'll wait for someone to pop them on youtube ^.^
  3. What do you guys think of the single choices so far? If she doesn't release Only You, bitch be tripping.
  4. So did anyone get Bioshock: Infinity?
  5. So let's get the others Vevo certified just in case we get more presents
  6. Oh my goodness, I don't know what to say. Absolutely beautiful. And though I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, I wonder what this was released for!!! Just a treat? A sign of something to come? Gatsby? What about the last few things to wrap up paradise i.e. DP and Cola! Maybe she just has major ants in her pants and wants to move on to the next project a$ap. Srsly Lana, put this on the album
  7. NamiraWilhelm


    They're just registrations, on the usual sites. No actual music.
  8. NamiraWilhelm


    VAN DEN BOGAERDE JASMINE LUCILLA ELISABETH; Wings Words as Weapons Tidal Wave No ones gonna worry Tried too hard Don't take my soul Fine My Friend Fix with Glue Heart of Gold Her turn to cry i can see blue i trusted you older please don't go quarentine remember send up the smoke shine the fire within the same walking on air you must be stupid you needed me your voice
  9. NamiraWilhelm


    Hey I wonder if she has songs registered *runs off to iswc*
  10. NamiraWilhelm


    Absolutely adore her! Her debut covers album was fantastic, and the sole original song Without a Word was actually my favourite. I hear she has some amazing people working on her album. I love her real name ^.^
  11. NamiraWilhelm

    Wild Belle

    I'm digging it! Nice find.
  12. Are those geckos in her hair? Because if so... Lana, you complete me
  13. I love how many people are anti death penalty in here, really, it's very refreshing to read others feeling that way. I don't believe people are born bad, I believe they're made bad, so I cannot condone the death penalty at all.
  14. That picture and everything else about this case is so heavily disturbing... as well as the pathetic sentence passed onto them. How is it that tax dodgers are punished more severely than paedophiles or rapists? Ok fine there's a psychological element in there... but who the frak would you rather be locked away? When are we going to evolve beyond these heinous crimes and these primitive attitudes? I'm sure I'll be reading plenty of 'she shouldn't have done this' or 'worn that' over the next week. They call it 'rape culture' but given the fact it's a staple of human behaviour throughout our entire history I'm starting to think we'll never evolve beyond it
  15. Well you have your homework guys, get viewing her other vids
  16. He has a new song lined up, but you can imagine being terrified of releasing a second song after such a massive hit... maybe that's why we've not heard of Gotye again :/ Get watching those videos gurls
  17. Is this within a time limit or not? Because I think we should try and do it for all of them
  18. Why did Gex have to die? That was a great little saga. Him Crash and Spyro, what a childhood Though they would have killed it and completely rebooted it like they did with Spyro no doubt
  19. It's just a promo single for the jaguar campaign hun, like Blue Velvet was a promo single. We can still hope for American Not by much, but still.
  20. Yeah, and BV was never available to buy separately... you'd think they'd want to make merch for each song regardless of it's release type >.< Guess they don't believe it'd be popular enough... How beautiful a collection of picture vinyls for every song would be :B
  21. Hmm... don't suppose there's a chance to get a picture disc like we did Blue Velvet this time...
  22. At the moment? 30 Rock, great adult silliness! The box set is now dead cheap too.
  23. Mass Effect has been such a big part of my life since first playing the original game. Bioware are a lot of crappy things, but they make the most incredible engrossing rpg games ever. I mean even better than Bethesda. Such a shame their games are always buggy as arse though >.<
  24. oh you has to gets it! It's a short game, 10 hours maybe, but very good ^.^ I freaking love those games. Final Fantasy x Disney? Err, yes! What a shame they've not done one for a while... and i bet when they will it'll be PS3 only... TWD game was so good. The characters and stories were brilliantly done... just like the TV characters you become so attached to them, and when one of them dies you go into genuine bereavement! I honestly didn't think I could continue playing at certain points, I'm such a baby
  25. I want to wear you like my clothes tbqh
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