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Everything posted by MaryTeamLana

  1. Lana dedicated Jump to Mike, i've just seen it on his facebook scrolling down his timeline so i think it's for him!
  2. I think it's because she sent her to the boarding school and she maybe interfered too much with Lana's love stories
  3. I believe Lana did drugs when she used to be an alcoholic as well between her 14 and 18, not in her trailer park era... Maybe she did there too but as an occasional i think. And i believe her nose job was done to make herself look prettier, not because of any coke use... *forgive my bad english i'm italian*
  4. I think it was referred to her wild youth... Nothing that we don't already know... Anyway i loved the video and hope it will be uploaded again!
  5. I don't like Dark Paradise. I just listen to the Demo version.
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