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Everything posted by BENTLEY

  1. I hope this is true 'cause I love the instrumentals.
  2. I listened to her album yesterday and I'm pretty impressed. Can't stop listening to "24 Hours", "I Will", "Boys" and "Night Time, My Time" (Oh, I love how weird it is.). The only thing I don't like is the album artwork.
  3. I've noticed that too. Actually the intro in "Put the Radio On" is fan made.
  4. Thank you for that article. I prefer the uncapitalized ones as well. The other way is just weird.
  5. Are all the first letters meant to be capital? For example: "Off To The Races" or "Back To Tha Basics". Or rather like this: "Off to the Races" or "Back to tha Basics"? Thank you
  6. The link doesn't work anymore. Could you please upload it for me?
  7. I believe it’s the unheard Carmen Demo. I found these pictures using @@evilentity’s trick. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/6kUpf00hunc/0.jpg http://i.ytimg.com/vi/6kUpf00hunc/1.jpg http://i.ytimg.com/vi/6kUpf00hunc/2.jpg http://i.ytimg.com/vi/6kUpf00hunc/3.jpg The third picture looks promising, because it’s from the actual Carmen video.
  8. Black Beauty Angels Forever, Forever Angels Your Band Is All the Rage TV In Black & White Hollywood Starry Eyed JFK Hawaiian Tropic Motel 6 Summer Wine I love all the leaks tho.
  9. Could you post your Snippets tracklist? To fix your problem: You might want to check your "Sorting" tab in iTunes. Hope it helps. Thanks
  10. Beautiful Thank you very much
  11. Hi I'd like to make a request. 1. Type of Graphic: Cover Art 2. Image(s) to be used: This 3. Text: I want the same text that's used here (possibly the same font and color). Just add the word "DEMOS" below a.k.a Lizzy Grant. 4. Mood: Same as original 5. Border: None 6. Other Details: Make it 1:1 Thanks in advance
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