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Everything posted by Cacciatore

  1. Listened to the album again this morning and yeah it's my least favorite Lana album but Tulsa Jesus Freak and Yosemite are carreer highlights. Yosemite's bridge is one of my favorites from her, the delivery and production are insane
  2. Remember when I said pitchfork would give COCC a lower score than LFL? my mind ugh...
  3. 10 copies for each page of this thread Hey, welcome! [*spoiler][*/spoiler] Without the *
  4. Don't worry babe, I've listened to the song tons of times and still haven't heard that damn vape.
  5. I don't think she's retiring but if she decided to vanish for five years I would be like "okay..."
  6. I think the album leak was the last strand for her
  7. she literally said "fuck this shit i'm out" lmao
  8. you mean all the controversy? that was last year i don't think most people care enough to keep up to date with her just because of that but i could be wrong too
  9. I lowkey think she wants that lmao but for real though she's not promoting and most people who are not stans don't know she's releasing music. Plus, bundles don't count as sales anymore so realistically she won't get more than 60k.
  10. dealer granadine quarentine if this is the end i want a boyfriend we were robbed
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