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Everything posted by cashcomesquick

  1. Sad you didn't get the irony, thought it was obvious
  2. Racists don't make jokes to be cool, it's a way of showing their black soul
  3. Remember when you called refuugees "animals"?
  4. In which position are you to decide if something is "sjw" when you're not one of those who are affected by it? I'd really like to hear how it works
  5. Why are you using upper-case letters? Afraid of not being paid attention to? Lel
  6. She will release whatever she wants to, she doesn't care what twinks want next. Plus, are y'all really complaining about getting basically two NEW tracks?
  7. Y'all would twerk your twink asses if it was a G Eazy feature
  8. Mess. Personal opinions cannot be facts. Log off and read some educational books :*
  9. You have to state your opinion in order to share it with people. Every statement is an opinion unless it‘s a fact.
  10. Apparently Yosemite was renamed, considering she mentioned it every time she was interviewed. Also, why would you even be upset if it didn't make it on the album? We don't know how it sounds, so stop spreading this faux drama
  11. I assume we won't get any leaks until the physical copies are distributed to the stores etc
  12. I wouldn't mind having a third track with ASAP that replaced the annoying unABEL feature
  13. Get fucking over LIB. She doesn't even have the rights to the song
  14. Also, twinks, get your nudes ready and do the fandom a favor. Lel
  15. You‘re sucking his dick by listening to his leaks
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