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Everything posted by cashcomesquick

  1. Now she's trying to save the album by putting two Honeymoon tracks on it
  2. Obviously. All you can see is the trash that is being thrown in here. It's like an epidemic of brainless gays, attacking her management, threats of committing suicide, and much more. If you still think that this kind of behavior is normal, I'm really sorry for you
  3. It took me a while to fall in love with Swan Song. Initially, I couldn't stand it
  4. No one is fighting. Some people need to realize that it's annoying to read the same damn thing over and over again. If you can't contribute anything interesting to the conversation, then don't say anything
  5. Stop repeating yourself in order to keep this thread alive. Basically over 1000 pages of the same bullshit
  6. Sadly, these brainless gays don't tend to think at all.
  7. Emile Haynie and Lana created the iconic BTD sound. I don’t want another album sounding like BTD, whereas another UV would be heavenly. So, I guess Dan or Rick are producers she could always work with
  8. She looked so fucking annoyed with the gays. Poor baby
  9. Log off, open your window and take a deep breath.
  10. @eclipse where are you when we need you the most?
  11. Stop attacking her managers, they're busy working on their app called Duo Lingo.
  12. Each album has its own style, and she has managed to achieve a sound that is omnipresent through the entire album, whereas LFL doesn't seem to follow this structure. Therefore, Honeymoon is perfection from the beginning to the end in its entirety
  13. I doubt that LFL will even come close to the perfection of her magnum opus called Honeymoon
  14. You can't leak something that was officially released
  15. This! Let's hope that it will turn out to feel like an entity
  16. who the fuck suggested she should cover that song? even the thought of someone other than black people singing this song is disrespectufl
  17. Considering that HBTB, Freak and Art Deco are more upbeat, I guess the order is intentional
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