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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Straights when they hear Lana’s new album is called Lasso: My gay ass when i hear the word Lasso:
  2. I’m sure the album will be gorgeous like always. I’ve been listening to her for 13 years, that ain’t stopping now, but a country album isn’t something i’ll be necessarily “excited” for. Chemsex at the Gay Club had a country vibe in parts, some of it i liked, some of it was a bit too country for my taste ect. We’ll see.
  3. Did you manifest it to be country? Are you to blame for this mess?
  4. Yeah the wait for Sept will be easy if it’s country….sry..
  5. This whole thing from all ends is such a mess. Apparently Nicki fans are showing up to Megans mothers grave or something, like don’t people have jobs to go to on a Monday? gurl lol.
  6. Coney Island King


    Because Jojo needs to release a new album.
  7. I wonder if she’ll release her one song a year soon?
  9. Fuck King of Hearts slaps so hard.
  10. I actually like the closed eyes hands above head cover.
  11. These look like ads for facewash.
  12. She’s not winning album of the year. Alternative, maybe.
  13. Coney Island King


    Ray of Light, Madonna….and i will be doing Confessions soon….
  14. Coney Island King


    I did another anime cover, Like A Virgin
  15. Agreed, as generic as the song is, it’s getting stuck in my head.
  16. I think I'm the only gay who finds all her personal relationship stuff boring.
  17. Paula choreo always hits so hard.
  18. I will never forget hearing A&W for the first time for the rest of my life.
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