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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Why? because you like the edit so i should accommodate you and use words that appeal to you more? Erm, no. But thanks for the input.
  2. If its trash, i'll trash talk it. If you have issues with that then dont join a forum where people express their opinions. I'm not telling you to hate it, so give it a rest.
  3. Why should i be glad there's a crap version of the song? that makes no sense. I'll stick to the original, thanks.
  4. Where did i say it was being replaced? Where did i say i couldn't listen to the original? The edit was posted, i said it was shit, nothing more nothing elsss. So what are YOU talking about? nothing it seems.
  5. So it seems, but it technically isn't official since Interscope hasn't announced it officially.
  6. I guess the people who needs things in colour are the same people who dont watch subtitled movies because they don't want to "read" while watching. Strange. Anyway, i'm glad the video is bnw, matches the song perfectly.
  7. This new radio version is fucking terrible. The mood and sex of the original is gone, this new one is some upbeat bullshit. And here i thought the destroying of her songs was ending with Gervais doing cheesy crap dance singles. Oh well, the video looks cool.
  8. Ok its May 1st within hours, i expect an album release date confirmation then thanks Lana doll x. PS: Move your fucking ass Lana. I mean it.
  9. Georgio is REALLY cool. I wonder what its for? another movie, a solo project for him???
  10. She tries way too hard, but i dont mind her new song.
  11. We dont need album covers and tracklists weeks before its due. That shit can be released a couple weeks before the album drops, June 2nd isnt that big of a deal.
  12. At this point all i want is an album release date. And a tracklisting. And an album cover. And an album sampler video. And a music video.
  13. I wish she'd give us a proper date, this era can be sooo drawn out at times.
  14. Has every iTunes country wise updated the song?
  15. Meh, change is slight, doesnt bother me really.
  16. Dont know why ya'll want to turn her into Rihanna or something with promo. I'm glad she does nothing, radio play, Ellen???? Save that for shit like Taylor Swift and TV actress of the year type people. I'm not to see her talking to the masses on some promo tour that caters to mainstream fan bases and families at home watching tv.
  17. Its not awkward, its just not a sit down interview, theyre just chillin x
  18. I always LOL whenever she walks onto the stage because it seriously sounds like the united screams of the end of the world.
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