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Everything posted by Peachycream

  1. I emailed them two days ago with the same reply. We aren’t getting our signed anything’s anytime soon.
  2. Don’t know how to post screenshots from my phone but it’s all over twitter if you search “lana pop up”.
  3. People found death threats and rude letters at the shop yesterday - some even threw them away cause they didn’t want it to get back to lana
  4. the pop up shop proves that some lana fans have an imbalance. Severely mentally unstable. How the hell are you going to leave death threats and nasty letters when Lana (jokes and everything aside) is one of the most thoughtful musicians of our time. She really does care and treats the people she meets with respect even if they’re over the top. Im glad she didn’t go back.
  5. Ok this is funny. https://instagram.com/p/BcGNSVdF4Wy/
  6. Good for her then. I bet after Lana Did FaceTime with that cherry girl she went and looked at the chat and that’s how she saw all the BS. Too much of a coincidence.
  7. Someone fill the uneducated in. Why did queen Elizabeth unfollow these specific people?
  8. Lana has time to hand out jackets for free but not send me my autographed copy of lust for life that i paid for? Im calling judge Judy.
  9. She came through for the theives. She has arrived
  10. Lana is the parent who always says they’ll pick you up after school but then you end up walking home. She’s a flake- she won’t go even if she says she will.
  11. The guy with the amy and Lana tattoo said people stole on Saturday and that may be the reason she hasn’t been back
  12. Aww this is so cute https://instagram.com/p/Bb-O5qhgXqv/
  13. People are saying she’s not going today but it’s still early so idk how they came to that conclusion.
  14. Lana is human and has feelings too. Remember that. If i were her I’d peace the fuck out for the next 6 days. She doesn’t owe anyone anything.
  15. Is it true she was getting booed and attacked as she was leaving? I can’t trust people on twitter.
  16. She really is the cutest ☀️❤️
  17. Um someone needs to inform rob that Lana stole his mother’s nightgowns and is now selling them. Who in the world would wear that yellow thing?
  18. I won’t insult you by calling you an unsympathetic piece of sh*t but i will say this - addiction is not so cut and dry. He was very vocal about having mental health issues and even said it was getting worse and worse as he was on tour. Everyone has different coping mechanisms and that’s the only way he knew how to cope.
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